Chapter 21

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People tried to hold me back and keep me away from the danger I just escaped, but I didn't care I forced my way through and went back into the building.

The police took my gun I had on my waist so I'm going in un armed

I rush to the dance studio that the boys and Jacky are in. I throw open the door to see my dad with a gun to Hoseoks head

I didn't have time to think of a plan cause I watched my dad for a second, he had a smirk on his face and he looked like he'd wanted to so this for years. I can't let him kill someone else I love

I run up and tackle my dad to the ground. As we fell I heard the sound I knew way to well. A gun shot.

I was able to grab my dad's gun and shoot him in the head without any hesitation.

I don't want to see him in my life ever again. The adrenaline started to water off as I was in a lot of pain. But I had one last thing to do. I slowly went to the window in the room. I opened it and waved my hand toward a the cops letting them know it's safe

They rushed in. I remember them carrying my dad's body out and helping me onto a bed type thing before I passed out


I woke up in a hospital bed to see jimin just enter the room. He sees me and a smile comes onto his face as his eyes met mine

"How long have I been asleep?" I ask

"Almost 3 months" He responds and just then I realise he's carrying Jacky. He let's me hold her before telling me "today's her 1st birthday, and she gets the present of her mother being here to spend it with her" I smile at his words

I love him so much and I can't imagine ever losing or leaving him

Just then I started shaking, I tried to calm down but it wouldn't work. Jimin took the baby as a monitor started beeping and I started having a seizure before nurses came in along with a doctor.

I don't remember what happened after that


I woke up again and I was so happy, I missed Jacky and jimin. I couldn't wait to see them.

Jacky came running into the room along with the rest of the boys. Jacky stopped once she saw me.


I sat up and picked her up to sit in my lap while. I hold her body. She's gotten bigger.

"How long has it been this time?" I ask the boys and everyone looked a bit sad "2 years" After I heard those words come out of jimins mouth my head dropped to my now 3 year old daughter

I hug her in my arms afraid to let go.

Jimin walks up to me and gives me a kiss and then looks back at our daughter "she's growing up. She's so beautiful" I say. And he nods "just like you"

I smile

Then nothing

I  wake up a few more times, when Jacky was 5, then 6. Then a few months later. Then again on her 10th birthday. Jimin stopped going to the hospital a long time ago. When I woke up next Jacky was 11, the boys told me that me waking up and going back to sleep was tearing him apart

I felt terrible when I heard that.

I can't control when I sleep and when I wake up cause if I could I'd never sleep like this again.

I never want to hurt them ever again. I love them to much to do that.

After that I fell asleep

Jungkooks POV

We went to see Y/n since Jacky wanted to surprise her mom for her birthday. But we're the ones who get a surprise when a almost 12 year old runs into her moms room to see Y/n crying while looking out the window of her room.

I feel sad just watching this happen. She's always been so happy. I know she hasn't had the best life and might never have the best life. But she's always been like an older sister to me

We talk to her about how jimin hasn't talked to any of us in about a month, he started eating less and locking himself in his room. Not socialising at all.

She hated the idea of sleeping and waking up to see she's missed so much and jimins not the only one that is having trouble keeping themselves positive about her situation.

Most of them stay positive for Jacky, she's 11 and she needs a stable home

Just then while Y/n was talking with her daughter her monitor started beeping she said it's false but soon after her eyes started to shut and she fell back to sleep and left Jacky in tears

I took Jacky out of the room. I sat down and put her in my lap and started hugging her for comfort. Soon a nurse comes out of the room to tells me the usual.

She's doing fine

But what comes next leaves me in awe.

"I'm sorry sir. But there was nothing we could do, her body was to weak"

Tears started to roll down my cheeks as I stood there shocked of what has happened. I don't know what to think before I see the nurse sit beside me

"I'm so sorry" She says close to tears herself. I've heard what people say about Y/n around the hospital. They think shes heroic, brave, loving. They all care for her so much

So they feel some of the amount of pain I feel right now when I say "I'm fine"

I get up and leave. I put Jacky in the back seat after I carried her to the car. Then I get in the front seat and I start sobbing. Just then the thought came to mind.

How will I tell the boys?

That thought scared me to much

Jimins POV

I heard the door open down stairs, against my better judgement I went out to see Jacky and jungkook. I figured I had locked myself in my room long enough

When I get to the door Jacky wasn't there, they said she went to her room. I asked them why jungkook was sobbing and that's what they were trying to find out

I went up to Jim and asked what was wrong and he just cried before saying

"I'm sorry"

"Why are you sorry?"

"I couldn't save her"

"Her? What happened to Y/n?"

"H-her body couldn't t-take it anymore. J-jimin she's g-gone" He said through his tears but after he finish I heard a scream, it sounded like Tae. Without looking to see if anyone was alright I dropped to my knees and started sobbing


Authors POV

That night everyone mourned over Y/n. That night every year they say around the family room and talked about Y/n and all the good times they had.

There were always some tears shed. No one was the same after she died.

Once Jacky found out about how she died, she thought she wasn't a good enough reason for her mother to keep fighting.

After that Jacky fell into a pit of depression that took years to get out of

(That was the last chapter y'all what did ya think?)

Things Left Hidden {BTS Jimin X-Reader} [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now