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I hear sirens, everyone's on the other side of the cars, I look up to see more cars piled up behind jimins car.

We caused this

I stsrtes to cry a bit, the pain in my legs getting worse the more I stay here, I understand people are working to get to me but it hurts. Then I here him, my hero

"Y/n, Y/n, where are you"

He sounds close "over here, jimin I'm over here!!" I shout, I hear him running then he appears in front of me, he looks shocked but gets down on his knees and holds my hands "it's going to be okay baby girl, I promise" He started crying


"Yes baby?"

"I-its can't feel my legs"

He looked at me for a second the started screaming "some body help, my fiance is stuck under a car!!"


I didn't have the energy to talk about tis now, so I left it alone while paramedics rushed to try and lift up the car.

A few minutes later they seem to lift the car off me, I flip over and sit up to look at my legs, I can't move them, nor can I feel them. I'm scared

Jimin sits behind me, he holds me while they stabilize me, so they can ship me out to the nearest hospital. Jimins holding my hand and I'm grilled}ing it for dear life.

"Have you called the other to let them know what happened?" I asked him and he shook his head. Then one of the paramedics came up to me "hey, you're legs don't look to good, but we should be able to take you to a hospital. Then we can check them out there and see what we can do" She said smiling at me, I smiled back as best as I could

"Is my baby alright" Asked remembering the envelope in my hand. "The baby's fine for now, but if you loose anymore bloody the baby will be in trouble." I nodded letting her know I understood

Then packed me into the ambulance and we set off with sirens blaring towards the hospital

I had no one to hold my hand anymore, they would let jimin ride with me to the hospital, to I lay in the ambulance without someone to comfort me, I start to shed tears of fear

I didn't know what was going to happen to me or my baby, and that made me more scared as I clench the envelope in my hand hoping this will all end with a happy thought but I know that's not going to happen

I have a bad feeling about this..

As we arrive at the hospital they take me in through the ER entrance and soon nurses surround me and start asking questions.

A few hours later I was put in a room by myself, jimin still wasn't there with me. I couldn't turn my body towards the door when I heard it open.

My legs were red and still a big bloody.

Jimin came through the door with the rest of BTS, that reminds me of the envelope I put in my bed side drawer. Once they all came in and got comfy I grabbed the envelope. Then I looked at then.

"This contains the information about the baby's gender. Who's ready to find out, I know I sure am!" I took the excited faces as an 'open it already'

I open the envelope, I stare at it. "Jimin, you got you're wish" I said looking at him almost in tears from all the joy welling up inside me.

The others looked confused "wait.. So you're telling me-" I cut him off by nodding. He runs up and hugs me for a moment while we leave the others in complete confusion

"Guys we're having a girl"

They looked so happy, I mean I don't blame them, one by one they all came up to me for a hug. We talked till they all had to go home cause stupid visiting hours said so

I didn't even get to ask jimin about that fiance thing

I was about to go to sleep when the doctor walks in, I wonder what he wants at almost midnight. His face told me everything, he had bad news he didn't want to tell me

He held a chart. When he finally made eye contact a single tear left my eye, what ever this is it can't me good.

"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but, you're left leg, it's infected the car that crushed it, had a type of foreign disease we arent aware of yet, and you're left leg took more damage then you're right, you're right can be treated. But you're left on the other hand is going to have to be removed"

"Can I have my boyfriend stay with me over night now, I really need him" I said now in tears and the doctor agreed. I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the hospital phone then dialed jimins number. He picked up on the second ring


"Where are you babe?"

"I'm in the parking lot, about to leave"

"I need you to come back.. Please" I'm sobbing now. Then I hear him yell at someone to stop the car. With in 3 minutes he was back in my room hugging me "what happened?" He asked

"I can't keep my left leg"

He was shocked but I don't blame him all of this still feels so unreal. I don't even know how I'm going to get through this one "hey calm down calm down, I think this is a good time to decide what we should name her" He said and I agreed

He gave me some pretty names, but I liked one English name the most "how about Jacky?" I asked him and his lips formed a smile "I love it" I'm glad, I was kinda hoping it was a boy, I wanted to name them after Jackson, my brother, but Jacky is much better

Things Left Hidden {BTS Jimin X-Reader} [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now