Everyday enemies, hurry of dreams (Part 1)

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Naruki gradually became conspicuous inside the university gradually.
I let the sweet smell as ever surrounding, while sprinkling a cheerful smile.
Let the bustling entourage be with the Waiwai Waiwa.
I continued to lick the candy as I walked around.
"Hi, Tsukasa"
To the extent that he greeted properly, Tsukasa was familiar with Narcis.
But it seemed that the distance was away from Narcis. To be alert. Otherwise, do not dare to touch and observe from afar.
Tsukasa asked casually what he avoided Naruki consciously and casually asked, "Because it's kind of a bit weak," Ryo replied.
"You are not good at me, are you?"
"I thought Mr. Tsukasa was not good at me,"
"I am not good at moral committee members."
Tsukasa shrugs his shoulders.

"By the way, I remembered," suddenly the law said in the corridor after school. "I saw a funny dream the other day."
"What is your dream?"
Tsukasa asks. But the law is unmolened, and I will hold my hands on my chin as I think.
"I do not really understand that .... What can I say, but that is why it is strange"
"I do not know what it means"
Tsukasa frowns and makes an intubate face.
There is no explanation for the rule. I am clear about that. Just because it is not a word, Tsukasa does not convey its funny nice.
"Oh, better than that" reworks the mind, the law becomes a serious face. "There was a reaction"
Tsukasa also returned expression. For the first time in a while I realize that the rule brings out an old insect repellent net. It is the net previously given by Tsukasa. Rits stuck out in front of Tsukasa and released his hand at once.
The stick of the net stands upright on the spot ...... It will not collapse. But when there is no wind, the eyes of the net are trembling, and they are licking.
"You found it, this is" Tsukasa.
"Yes, you are a starring guy" There is a feeling in the rule, too. It is like an invisible bond that connects origin and honne, it is understood. I can meet next. It will surely be found in the rules. If you find it, you will be able to catch the wandering girl.
I do not want to be a lost child. Always take back.
Rind once again clasp the insect repellent net in both hands and give a good spirit to you.
"Go for it, Kanogawa River"
Behind the encouragement of Tsukasa, Ritsu looked round the left and right of the corridor and began moving to one side, relying on a slight net guidance as "Mr., Aka".
Tsukasa to gently see it off -
"Hi, how are you?"
It was Nalqi who appeared in front of me.
"As usual, it is ineffective"
It was a tsukasa who meant irony to the bright Narcis, but it did not work for Narcis.
"It's certainly an unhealthy smile ... Unhealthy is not good for your body Tsukasa, let's eat nutritious sweets"
Narcis' take out is a biscuit selling nutritionally balanced food.
"Buttery flavor for cheese flavors, of course chocolate flavor.When this is the case, it will be good for rice"
"Do not have anything good, you?"
Tsukasa goes out into the backyard and sits down casually. Hunger was decreasing. Naruki comes without me, is really friendly, familiar feeling, sitting beside Tsukasa sitting, holding a shoulder.
Naluki who offers biscuits, "Do not ever do not eat."
"Is not something planned?" Tsukasa doubts.
"What are you doing" to the last, Naruki is getting along.

"Why do you give me so much food?"
"Lunch box, I thought it might not have been enough"
"In the first place, is it a decent food?"
"Do you doubt, then, Hankookoda"
Nalqui cracks one of the biscuits and half puts it in his mouth, while the other half passes over to Tsukasa.
"Hey, well ... it's tasty ... Hey, Hey, this is a bit of a bit chocolate taste."
"I can not help it"
Tsukasa received. I cheek on half of the biscuits. It is a completely arbitrary man. What kind of soul are there? It may be that he has not thought of anything, but that would be even more doubtful.
However, the taste is not bad. Because there was an empty stomach, it was delicious.
Suddenly I looked at the window on the upper floor of the school surrounding the backyard.
Female students gathered together at the window and looking into this place. Then, putting your fingers in the state of Nalqi and Tsukasa, it is surprisingly exciting, something sneaky, secretly, Kyaaaa.
"Hey! Naruki!"
"What, Tsukasa"
"I am in a weird attention"
"Popular people are painful"
"It is not rare for you to make a noise, but I can stare at others like this"
"How does it feel like this? Because I am a child, I do not quite understand."
As I say, Naruki makes a face to face with Tsukasa.

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