"I understand." Eleanor beats the eggs on the stove gaining Calista attention. She didn't smell food upstairs. "A nice explanation would have been great."

"Yeah, Imma a dick."

Eleanor slams the spatula down in anger. "Yes you are Lis."

Calista cringes at the old time nickname.

"Almost two years ago you left. Then came back a different person. You wouldn't talk to me." Eleanor explains. "Then you leave again and while you're gone you still completely ignore me. You changed."

"I grew up!" Calista screams on in frustration.

Eleanor steps back. Her eyes wide in shock at the outburst. Calista had short patience but she never had raised her voice at her before.

"I grew up, ok." Calista repeats herself. "I left and when I came back yes, I was a different person. But Eleanor you were still the same old weird Eleanor. I couldn't handle that. I couldn't handle you. You named your god damned fish after me for Christ Saks. It was too much."

"I was lonely." Eleanor barely whispers. "You were the only one who thought my weird witchery was cool.

Calista sighs, "Then it was. When we were young but you still do that weird shit."

"Because it is real and my grandmother-"

"Entrusted you with your ancestor's book of spells. Yeah, I know the damn story Eleanor. Your grandmother was crazy and you was alone so she gave you something to preoccupy your time."

Eleanor looks away depress her eyes watery. Calista frowns at this and immediately feels like a dick. Yet again. "Look, just give me some time ok."

Eleanor doesn't reply. She just turns off the stove and exit the house. Leaving Calista alone.

Calista finishes the cook eggs Eleanor made and walks to town to grocery shop. On her way there she gets weird looks from everyone but she was expecting that because she knew everyone heard about what happened in her house. She chooses to ignore all of them.

She shops quickly and heads to the first lane to check out. The young boy eyes her weirdly and says, "That will be $83.45." Calista grabs her card and gives it to the cashier. She grabs her bags and then sighs. Her car really needed to hurry and arrive. She begins to walk back towards her home. She cuts through the park and notice some mumbling. She arches her eyebrow and comes upon a boy and some chick underneath him.

"Fuck!" The girl shrieks. "Someone is watching us."

"Wha-" The boy says instantly jumping up.

"Woah!" Calista says. "Not watching. I'm walking home. Continue on. I haven't seen nothing." The boy looks at her oddly. Trying to figure out who she is but the girl underneath him tries to cover her breast. Whores. Calista mutters to herself and quickly walks away.

She was about to cross the street but then she hears a loud honking. "Shit!" Calista instantly steps back dropping her bags that held milk and eggs. The car drives over her bag making the milk burst and she knew the egg were gone to. "Fuck!" Calista groans annoyed. The car makes a loud shriek and begins to back up.

"Are you asking for death?" The girl in the driver seat mutter in a bitchy way. Calista sighs she didn't have time for this. She was trying to work on her anger. "No, are you asking for a lawsuit because you almost fucking killed me." She replies.

"You were obviously in the middle of the street." The brunette answers. The music was blaring and Calista notice that there were two other girls in the Mercedes. "Sidewalks are for pedestrians."

Calista Lake (GirlXGirl)Where stories live. Discover now