✧chapter 2 part 5 ✧ tremble.

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                             »»——⍟——««As I walked in the Curtis' home my arms and legs began to tremble repeatedly

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As I walked in the Curtis' home my arms and legs began to tremble repeatedly. Like No please one moment they would be tremblin' and another they would stop. I've never really trembled after bein' all slugged up n' all.

I slowly sat down on the couch, tryin' my hardest not to get any blood on it. As soon as the tremblin' stopped, it started all over again. I assumed that Soda noticed since he's been keepin' his eyes on me the whole time.

"You okay there Johnny?" Asked Soda, his brown gaze fixed on my arms and legs.

"Yeah, jus' a bit chilly, that's all." I lied, starin' at the ground.

"Well, y'know if you're cold you can jus' head to Pony's room. He's got blankets n' all, I'm sure he won't mind ya being there for the mean time."

"I think I'll be fine, but thanks a ton Soda."

He nodded, as he slid on his DX uniform. He grabbed the car keys and rushed towards the door.

"Darry and I are gonna head back to the DX, but Two-Bit is gonna stop by for a bit. If ya need anythin' from the fridge just take it, we don't mind." He said before wavin'.

"Thanks Soda." I said, wavin' back.

As Soda exited the house, I sighed a real big sigh. I was exhausted from today. I slowly sunk into the couch a bit further as I tiredly shut my eyes. I quickly drifted off to sleep.


I woke up in a giant gold field, with Ponyboy by my side. Both of us sitting in the giant field of deep lustrous yellow. The sky painted with beautiful shades of pink, purple and orange. The sun drowning in the horizon, the clouds parting from each other. Golly was it beautiful. Many colours blending into one.

"Beautiful ain't it Johnny?


Ponyboy's head was now leaning on my shoulder. I played with his tufts of hair, twirling it on my fingers, and running my hand through it. I was happy. I wanted to stay like this forever.


I was forced back into reality by Two-Bit interrupting my dream. The sound of the door slammin'  wide open chucked me back to reality.

A chuckling Two-Bit and Dally entered the house, both of them seemin' a bit drunk.
I overheard Two-Bit tellin' Dally about a one night stand he had with a girl. His speech was quite slurred but I made out most the words he was sayin'.

Dally playfully tackled Two-Bit to the couch for some odd reason. I tried to force myself to go back to sleep.

"Cut it out I'm tryin' to get some sleep over here!" I groaned.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey Johnnycakessssss" Said Two-Bit in a slurred manner. I could smell the alcohol in his breath. He's clearly been drinkin'.

"Aren't cha' supposed to be in school man?" Said Dally, also smellin' like alcohol.

"Well, I'm not at school right now, so have some decency and lemme sleep!"

Dally snickered, as he playfully patted my head and punched my arm.

"Ow, watch it Dal!" I said, rubbin' my arm. He only just noticed my bandages and bruises now.

"Shit, sorry man. What's with all the bandages? Did you get beat up again?"

"Yeah, what's up with that?" Joined Two-Bit.

"I'm fine, I just got hit by the ball in PE.. Several times.." I lied, rubbin' my neck.

"Well, good it wasn't a Soc. Cause if it was, I would set up another rumble and pound 'em so hard they won't even bother to look at ya." Said Dally, as Two-Bit nodded agreeing.

That made me feel a bit better about lyin' cause golly I did not want another rumble even if I didn't participate in the last one.

Two-Bit grabbed some chocolate cake from the fridge, and handed some to me n' Dally. He turned on the TV, as he put on an episode of Mickey Mouse. We all sat down on the couch, eatin' chocolate cake while enjoyin' and episode of Mickey Mouse.

oof im so sorry that it took me so long to post this part,, i had a huge writers block and took a few hours off of writing time to stir up some ideas so sorry about that skksk anyways thanks for reading !!!!!

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