✧chapter 1 part 4✧ stars and night skies.

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I closed the door behind us, as we walked out into the open, cold, dark night. It was pretty chilly, as the cold breeze kissed my bare skin. All I had on was my black tight t-shirt and my favourite pair of jeans. Despite knowing that autumn was one of the colder seasons. 

"The last one to the park is a rotten Soc!" I exclaimed as I started sprinting to the nearby park. He grinned, as he followed from behind me.

It has been a while since I sprinted like this. Actually, it's been a while since I've actually been in a race. Johnny and I used to race all the time, before and after school. I missed these times. I was actually a pretty good runner when I was still into it. Golly, I was on the track team for God's sake! I don't know what broke off my interest for running, but I do remember that I was into it and that I was on the track team at school at one point.

As a ran, I could feel the breeze of the wind brushing against my skin. I loved this refreshing feeling every time I ran. I was almost at the park. I looked back, and I realized that I was ahead of Johnny too. I smirked and ran full speed. 

I continued to keep my pace. All of a sudden, I felt stuck. I looked down and realized my foot was buried in a puddle of mud. I tried to keep running but the mud refused to release me. I kept gruntin' and strugglin', but the more I had done that the more stuck in the mud I became. I tripped, then fell on the ground.

I could hear Johnny's footsteps coming closer, as I heard him chuckle real hard. He reached out his hand to me, and I grabbed it. 

"Glory Pone, you okay there?" He said, still chuckling. My ears turned red. Not only because I was embarrassed, but because that stupid laugh of his was enchanting to my ears. 

"Damn it Johnny! If only I stepped above the puddle of mud I would've won!" I said, kicking the dirt frustrated.

Johnny continued to chuckle. He couldn't seem to stop. I playfully smacked the back of his head, as we both continued to walk to the park. 

As we arrived at the park, I tackled him down to the ground gently, making sure I didn't hurt him. He let out a low scowl, as he cowered on top of me and started wrestling me playfully. We both wrestled on the ground, now the both of us covered in mud. When we stopped, we were both gasping for all the air we could get. 

He smiled and looked at me, as he pointed to the sky. 

"The stars sure do look nice tonight, huh Pony?" He said, his eyes gleaming. He was right. The stars did look amazing. The stars were unusually bright, brighter than they usually were. Each and every star in the sky looked as if they were all dancing. It was a nice view.

"Real nice." I replied, keeping my eyes locked on the stars. We both laid there, looking at the stars for most of the night. Admiring each and one of them. We engaged in deep conversations too. Mostly conversations about life and sports.

"Say, Johnny?"


"Do you ever regret.. y'know.. runnin' away with me.. n' goin' to the church?"

"Ptshh.. Ponyboy, I don't regret one thing about that week. That was the only time I've been outta town y'know? To be fair Pone... If had an option to do that whole week again, I probably would. You taught me a lot of things Ponyboy, and I really want you to know that. Like how I've still got so many things to do, so many things to see and it ain't worth killin' myself over some stuff. Honestly, Pone, every moment with you is the best. These past few weeks I've been with Dal were the loneliest I've been. Even if I were with him.. I still felt alone 'cuz I wasn't with you Pone." Said Johnny, as he smiled warmly.

"B-but Johnny! The church! The fire! I coulda put your life in danger, a-and you nearly died b'cuz of me! The reason why Dally got shot, was 'cuz of me! I dunno how I could ever live with that.. Knowin' that one of the most important people to me nearly died 'cuz of me man! Who'd wanna live with that?" I said, tears now runnin' down my cheeks. Damn, was I a crybaby.

"Pone, stop it now. I'm here ain't I? I'm alive. Dally's alive. We're both 'ere for ya Pone. You don't gotta worry about that no more. It's all done Pony, we're here." He said, pulling me into a small hug.

I nodded, as I wiped the tears off my cheek.

"Now let's get home, yeah?" He said, as he lent me his jean jacket. "Put it on, it's gettin' cold and you ain't got nothin' to wear."

I smiled as we made our way back to the house. When we arrived, we saw everyone passed out cold on the couch. Dally was shirtless on the floor, deep in sleep, Soda and Steve were on the couch passed out and  Darry on the armchair crossing his arms, not looking any different then he does when he usually sleeps. Several beer bottles laying on the floor, leftover chocolate cake on the table and several other beer bottles on the dining table.

I looked at the clock and realized it was 2:47 AM.

"Golly Pone, look how late it is.. I oughta be home by now-"

"Jesus Johnny, why don't ya just stay the night? You don't gotta go back to your parents' house y'know that right?"

"But I don't want to be a nuisance y'know?"

"You won't! Darry and Soda would be more than happy to have ya over! Just take off your shoes before you go to bed."


We climbed the stairs, as I lent him a t-shirt to replace his muddy t-shirt. We both collapsed on the bed Soda and I shared. We both laid in bed, silently a few inches apart from one another.

"Hey Pony?"


"Thanks for tonight."

"Of course Johnny."

We both silently fell asleep.

»»————- ★ ————-««aaa thanks for reading !! sorry for publishing this part so late aaa i spent so much time on it. goodngiht yall!

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