✧chapter 2 part 3 ✧ pop the cherry.

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                »»————-  ————-««Ponyboy shifted his structure towards the empty seat next to mine, his skin brushing against mine

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  »»————-  ————-««
Ponyboy shifted his structure towards the empty seat next to mine, his skin brushing against mine. I scooted my chair over to give him a bit of space.

He looked at me and gave me a small, yet warm smile. I could feel butterflies in my stomach dancin' around. I felt so bubbly n' happy which was something I hadn't felt in quite a bit.

My thoughts were interrupted by Mrs Era. Or, that's what I think her name is.

"I'm assuming that you're new to this class?" She said, her amber eyes looked filled with curiosity.


"No ma'am he ain't new to this class. He's jus' been away for a long while." Replied Ponyboy for me.

"Now Ponyboy Curtis, did I ask you?" She said, her glare shifting over to Pony's.

"No ma'am." He said, not even stuttering, which I was surprised of. The rest of the class looked darn scared of her, 'cuz they were all quiet like someone died or sumthin'.

"That's what I thought." She said, scoffing.

"He's tellin' the truth ma'am." I replied. "I'm no new student in 'ere."

"Well then, since I'm not familiar with you, I'll be treating you like a new student. What's your name?"

"Johnathan Cade ma'am, but please call me Johnny."

"Very well then, Johnny. Let's begin class now, shall we?"

I nodded, keeping my glares glued to the black board which she was now writing on.

"For today, I will have you all write an essay on your opinion on true love. I want your idea written thoroughly and clear, with specific detail. As always, no plagiarism. If I find out you have been copying from a book, that will cause an immediate fail is that understood?"

Her gaze became firm and clear. It was a gaze that said that she knew well and clear of what she was saying' n' doin'.

"The due date will be next Monday, which is plenty of time. I should have no excuses as to why yours isn't handed in."
Her gaze still firm.

time skip to lunch (sorry forgot to add this in)

The bell rung, meanin' that it was time for lunch. Ponyboy grabbed my wrist and dragged me along with him.

"I'm buyin' lunch, wanna come Johnny?" He said with a grin.


We exited the school hallways, taking the steps down outside. I was greeted by the fresh autumn breezes tickling my ears n' cheeks. I shoved my hands in the pockets of my jean jacket, as I looked up ahead of us.

We were walking towards Dairy Queen. Golly, Dairy Queen brought so many memories back. Like the time where Dal had choked on his pepsi, while he was tryin' to impress his blonde.

I snickered to the thought of that. I'm guessin' that Pony noticed 'cuz he was eyein' me all over . I suddenly felt guilty 'cuz I knew how insecure Pony could get. Even if it was unintentional.

"Whaddya laughin' at?" He said, biting his lower lip. He did that when he got nervous.

"Jus' a thought Pony, don't worry 'bout it." I said, in a reassuring tone.

He nodded, then opened the door to Dairy Queen. We took our seats, starin' at the menu.

The little bells in Dairy Queen at the door began to ring. They usually ring when someone enters the restaurant.

I looked up and realized it was Cherry Valance. I silently groaned. I didn't want her 'ere at all. She made me feel sick.

Pony's face flew up, and glowed when he saw her. He quickly directed her to our table. I sighed to myself.

"Pony, I think I'll leave for now." I quickly stood and sprinted out the door. If I couldn't make Pony's face glow when he saw me then what's the point of being there?

I was probably just going to be there to third wheel anyways. I didn't wanna bother his date again.

"Wait Johnny!" I heard him call from a distance.

I ignored him, and kept walking back to the school. I sighed n' slouched.

  »»————-  ————-««
oof!!!!! aaa this is the last part i can write before i go to the second plane which i can assure u is a short flight so it'll be all guccimo,, ill probably start writing again right after i get off the plane
im probably gonna redo this part idk it was sorta rushed and that's just very doo doo anyways,, thanks for readin this rushed chappterrrrr!!!!!!!!! luv yall

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