Chapter Fourty- Seven

Start from the beginning

"15" she answered. She looked more mature, her blonde hair fell to her shoulders in waves. Her earthy green eyes looked more experienced but they lost that childhood wonder. A small, silver ring went through her bottom lip.

"My father doesn't know she's out here" Kaiden said, sitting on the rug and patting an old dog that is Caesar. His tail went a mile a minute but he didn't get up, all puppyhood energy now gone.
"He basically disowned me"

"I didn't, mother didn't either" Lucy said.

"We ended up adopting him" Juno said with a smile.
"If you two were my boys, I would've faced the world for you"

"Thank you" I replied sitting down,

"If you were my boys, I would've give you up long ago" Nikki added. I smiled,

"Thank you Nikki you old bag"
She laughed before coughing loudly, the baby gurgled and crawled over.
"Who's this?"

"Sorry" Skye said, lifting up the baby.
"She's mine"

"Half is yours" Matthew replied with a laugh. He seemed to grow out of the purple and instead returned to a chestnut brown hair colour.

"Meet my god-child, and possibly yours too, Annika" Kaiden said,
"She's 2 years old"

"She's adorable" I said,

"Of course she is, she's my daughter" Skye stated, before looking down sadly.
"Vera... she wanted to come but.."

"She passed away 5 years ago" Matthew filled in with a sorrowful look.
"She lost her battle unfortunately"

"This isn't a sad occasion, it's a happy one!" Adrian interrupted.

"The legendary Razor returns"
Juno hit Landor on the leg.

"Ow ma!"

"Sorry for my rude boy" she said bringing me into a hug, I had to bend down.
"Let's start eating"

I caught up with my friends. Learnt that Braydon is studying nursing while Skye is auditioning for a ballet group next week. Alice and Stella's boy, Elliot has become a heart throb at only 8 years old.

"Everyone loves him" Kaiden said,
"Everyone but Nikki, she says he's a sadist"

"It's true! I've seen him kick a fallen birds nest over" Nikki said,
"He's a psychopath waiting to happen"
I learnt that Matthew proposed to Skye when they found out she was pregnant.

"He panicked when he found out, I thought he was going to leave but he raced to the dresser and got the ring" she laughed.

"I proposed to her flustered on the bathroom floor" Matthew added,
"We got officially married last year"
We sat and talked for hours, laughing and joking around. But the time came to an end,

"Our plane leaves in 5 hours" Kaiden said kissing my neck gently.
"But I have one more surprise for you"
I hummed in response, watching the last person (Nikki) leave.

We got back on the bike, I watched us leave the park that once contained happy memories. Now, contained even more joy. Kaiden drove us to the school gym, when he threw open the doors the first thing I saw was Melissa standing in the middle. The gym was decorated with a white and black theme, beside Melissa was 2 suits, one black and the other white.

"Here" she said, handing me the white one.
"The theme was 1920s Hollywood, Skye choose it, but hope this'll do for you"

"Thank you" I said with a smile,
"Did you win the tournament?"
She laughed,

"After all this time... we had a rematch but loss" she said.
"Although, now I'm the vice principal of the school so I'm doing well"

"Thank you"

"You're welcome" She fidgeted with the hem of her own suit.
"I'm... sorry about Hector.."

"It's fine, really." I said smiling,
"It was bound to happen sooner or later. How is Hector?"
Both her and Kaiden glanced away, it was clearly a touchy subject for them both.

"He.... he's not doing so great. Very anxious, very paranoid" Kaiden said.

"But he's getting help" Melissa added, I immediately felt bad. It was because of me that he was anxious. Kaiden patted my shoulder,

"Come on, put your suit on and we'll dance the night away"
I smiled and took it from him, the suit fit me well.
Kaiden held out his hand and guided me to the middle of the room. We laughed, danced and talked. On a small table was some refreshments but it was only us in the decorated gym. Music played from an iPod loudly, a slow dance came on and we just slowly shuffled around as neither of us could dance.

"I love you Felix" he said, pressing his lips to mine. I welcomed his touch, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I love you too Mr Jerk Face"

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