Chapter 1: The News

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Elena's POV

Pulling the covers off of me, I got out of my bed. I was about to turn 18 in a few days, and I was already out of school. Which meant no need for me to wake up early.  I went downstairs to see our cook, Mary, making breakfast. She set the plate down in front of me.

"How's your day, Elena"? She asked, her motherly eyes staring into mine.

"I'm fine, how about yourself?"

"Wonderful, I woke up this morning, so I'm blessed"

I smiled, taking a bite out of my eggs. Just then, my older brother came running down the stairs, as usual.

"Hey El,'' he called, which was his nickname for me.

I glanced back, ignoring him. Dad started to make his way down the stairs.

"Elena, we need to talk, come to my office after breakfast".

I was nervous, he never called me by my name, it was always some over-the-top nickname. Plus he sounded worried himself.

"Is everything okay dad?" my brother and I asked. He said nothing, and walked away.

After breakfast, I nervously made my way towards his office. I knocked gently against the wood.

"Come in," he murmured.

I opened the door and sat in the chair in front of his desk.

"What's wrong, dad," I asked worriedly.

"You know our rival gang, the Vulpe Family, right"?

"Yeah dad... they've been our rivals for years".

"Well they want to become allies with us" he looked me in the eye.

"What's the catch?" I whispered.

He put his head in his hands and said briefly, "You have to marry their leader".

"What!" I exclaimed.

"You said no, right?"

He said nothing.

"Dad, please tell me you said no." I pleaded.

"I'm sorry, but the future of this gang is important, you to marry him".

"Are you fucking kidding me!" I stormed out of his office and into my room. I slid down the door sobbing. I can't believe he would agree to this shit.

I don't know how long I was laying here, but my brother knocked on the door, pleading for me to come out. After a while, he lost patience busting the door open.

"Tell me what's wrong El. Dad wouldn't tell me".

I looked up at him, with my tear-soaked face and said "I'm to marry the leader of the Vulpe Family".

"What the fuck", he yelled.

"I'll go talk to dad about it", he then ran out the room.

I sighed, deciding not to pity myself, I got up and grabbed my computer. I guess I could research more about the guy, I mean I've only heard stories. Basic information popped up, it turns out he was 21 years old, and took over the gang once his father had passed. I kept digging for more interesting information.

Bingo! Things popped up about his "mysterious lifestyle in the sheets". Says here in this local magazine that he's hardcore into bdsm. How he dominates and controls women. I mean I expected this but, as I dug the more salacious details came out. Interviews with his last submissive had her going into more detail. She claimed they would fuck for hours on end and how severe her punishments were at time.

The interview made people wonder... Was he a sadist? Was he as bad as this woman has made him out to be? Then again she admitted she liked it. This just left more questions for me.

I wasn't exactly a prude, but I was never really allowed to date, not that there was anyone I was particularly interested in like that anyway. However, I'd read books, watch videos, but I've never actually touched herself down there. My father always told me to wait until marriage. I wish I would have known I'd have to give it up to a heartless killer who gets joy from killing their victims.

If only mom was still alive, maybe then she'd be able to talk him out of this madness. My eyes teared up at the thought. She was truly amazing. Questions still popped up in my head. When was the wedding? What if I didn't like his kinky ways? Would he force me...?  My trail of thoughts were cut off when my brother knocked on the door.

"El, can we talk?"

"Sure," I murmured.

"Dad's really serious about this." I could see the hurt in his bright hazel eyes.

"I know," I sigh.

"On the bright side, we'll still visit you".

"Now you're on his side, Brian"?

"El, the sooner we accept it, the easier it will be." He reasons. "You know dad isn't going to change his mind now that it's made up."

"But what would mom think of all this"? I exclaimed.

"She wouldn't  like it El". And with that he left the room.

A couple hours later dad came to the door.

"Be presentable in the morning, your fiancé will be here to meet you".

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