After dropping him off, I drove to Georges & Co, to get the last of my stuff. I sent my resignation letter about two weeks ago and although Mr. Georges begged me and tried to pay me to stay, I didn't change my mind. I couldn't work there anymore, even though the main problem was now erased.

The day after Nǎinai's funeral, the news were announcing Michael's death. He had a car accident, and didn't even make it alive to the hospital. I was shocked at first, but then I wasn't really feeling something about it. I wasn't sad, nor happy, nothing.

Two days later, all his baby mamas were fighting over the money, then all the women he abused suddenly decided to share their stories and so Michael's true persona was revealed to the public. Those stories were horrible to hear, but sadly I wasn't that surprised because I knew what kind of monster this bastard could be. Some stories seemed too dramatic to be true though.

I didn't know if Mr. Georges was going to let his multiple grandchildren inherit the firm, but I didn't really care. It was none of my business.

"Oh, Tinashe..." He walked in my office while I was moving around, putting my belongings in boxes.

"Good morning, Mr. Georges. And no, I'm still not coming back."

He slightly chuckled, "I know, I got it. I'm going to put an end to this business anyways. I have enough money to enjoy my retirement to the fullest."

I frowned, "what ? Bu--but are you sure about this ? Maybe you should give it more reflexion. You're not in the best state of mind to take this decision right now. Hundreds of people are going to lose their job, and you know how competitive and uncertain the law field can be."

"I know, I know. Don't worry about this, I'll make sure that everybody will find a new job. And I don't need to think more about this. I just wanted a fresh start."

"Okay, do what makes you happy."

There was a silence as I continued to clean my office, until he decided to break it. "Do you believe those horrible things they're saying about him ? "

I narrowed my eyes, looking at him as if he lost his whole mind. How could he ask me that ? He covered his son more than once, he knew what he was capable of.

"Mr. Georges, I just came here to--"

"It's not his fault, you know. He didn't have the best childhood growing up."

"Like most of people, but this isn't an excuse to hurt others like he did. He--" I interrupted myself, not wanting to tell him all of my business. I didn't need this to backfire on me. I sighed, "can you leave me alone, please ? I'm not trying to eternize myself here." I said, giving him attitude.

"Of course. Good luck."


Forty minutes later, I was carrying my boxes in my car. Then I was on my way back to my house. While I was driving, I couldn't help but think about the recent events. So much happened and I didn't know if I'll be able to get hit with something else. Life was too much right now, and I seriously needed a break from everything.

Arrived home, I put my boxes in my office, then decided to start on my lunch and cook myself something before taking a nap. As I was about to put water in the pot for the pasta, my phone rang on the counter.

I sighed, dropping the pot in the sink and went to answer it. "Hey, sweetie. How are you ? "

"Hey, mom. I'm fine." I responded nonchalantly, "what about you ? "

She let out an heavy sigh, "I would be better if my daughters and husband would stop fighting with each other for past mistakes. Why not forget about all of this and move forward ? This is not healthy to hold grudges."

And If... {completed and edited 2024}Where stories live. Discover now