".... We ran some errands for the neighbors and got home at around 3," Psy lied to the boy.

"I see... Anyways, we need to get her to bed."

The dragon followed the boy into the room as he tucked Yuna into bed. "Are you going to sleep also, kid?"

Tasuku looked over his shoulder to have the dragon in his line of sight. "Well, no... It's a bit too early for me.." Tasuku said, looking over at the clock that read 7:46 PM.

Tasuku took out his phone to check his schedule for the next day and turned it off to dry off his hair with the towel around his neck. He looked over at his roommate of the night and sat still, staring at the girl.

"Don't get any funny ideas, kid. Do anything to my buddy while her guard is down and you're dead."

The prodigy snapped out of his thoughts, realizing that he was blushing and glared at the dragon. "I don't have any funny ideas or thoughts of her, god..." He mumbled as he turned away.

"Kid, don't hide it. Everyone close to you two already knows that you like her. Are you ever going to bring it up to her?" the dragon told the boy.

"Like I said before, I-"

"Don't deny it," Psy cut in.

Looking over at the girl once more, he let out a long sigh. "She doesn't know, does she...?"

Psy walked over to his buddy and sat down next to her. "Don't worry, she's oblivious towards you."

"... I see.."

Tasuku lay back down onto his futon and rested his arm across his forehead. Feeling an arm over on his chest, Tasuku looked over to see Yuna sleeping peacefully with her hand on top of him and smiled, brushing her hair out of her face.

"Tasuku, you're blushing again," Psy said in a joking manner, returning to his card.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, shut up... It's hard not to, alright?" Tasuku said pouting. 'I'll to confess to her soon... Maybe tomorrow..'

The next morning came with Yuna waking up first, not paying attention to her surroundings.

'My body feels really heavy right now...'

Yuna looked over to see Tasuku sleeping directly next to her with his arm wrapped around her.

'A-aa-ahhhhh...?!' Yuna looked at the boy with a shocked expression, fully awake.

'T-too close for comfort! Can't move!'

Yuna forced of eyes shut as she looked away, slowly opening her eyes and looking back at her friend.


Yuna's cheek had the color red spread across them as she tried to push the thought away. Tasuku, finally waking up, looked at the girl drowsily, unaware of the position they were in and making eye contacts with the girl.

"...." The girl blinked at the boy as panic crept up her body.


Despite still being tired, Tasuku pulled Yuna closer to him and buried his face into her hair, groaning tiredly.

"What time is it....?" He asked, voice muffled in the girl's hair.

"I-I don't know..? I'm not the one facing the clock here..!" Yuna stuttered.

"... Oh right."

Tasuku lifted his head up to look over at the clock only to see that it was 8:57 AM. Finally realizing the position they're in, Tasuku snapped out of his sleepy state and let go of the girl.

Only A Childhood Friend (Future Card Buddyfight)Where stories live. Discover now