Chapter 9

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Yuna sat in a corner of her room and mumbled out a bunch of words while Psy sat on her bed and watched her.

'Idon'twanttogo. Idon'twanttogo. It'sgoingtobecrowded. Abunchofpeoplewillbethere. WhatamIgoingtodo? WhatamIGOINGTODO? WHATAMIGOINGTODO?! AHHHH!' Yuna yelled, finally going crazy in her head.

"Yuna, calm down! Just relax! It's not even 2 PM yet!" Psy said as calm as possible. Yuna turned over to look at her buddy with a frighten look on her face.


The two locked eye contacts with each other for a few seconds until Psy decided to break the silence.

".... Uhhh.. So, what are you going to do before it starts?"

"PLEASE DON'T ASKKKKKK!" Yuna pulled her grey cardigan over her head as she hid herself like a turtle in its shell. Her phone started vibrating on the table next to her bed, indicating that someone was calling.

"Ummm... are you going to pick that up?"

No answer.

"Haa..." Psy decided to pick up the phone call for the girl instead.

"Heyallow? It's Yuna's buddy. Uhuh. I don't know about that... Here you can try talking to her. Hey, Yuna, I'm putting the call on speaker."

'Hey, Yuna. You doing alright?'

Yuna lifted her cardigan off her head a few inches and answered the voice.


A sigh could be heard from the other side of the phone. 'You're going to have to get use to it. I mean I can cancel all this if you like, but-'

Yuna cut off Akira midway of his sentence. "YES, PLEASE DO! I CAN'T EVEN SPEAK IN FRONT OF CLASS! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I CAN SING IN FRONT OF A CROWD?!" she yelled nervously.

'You didn't let me finish my sentence. Anyways, as I was saying, I can cancel this debut and have you quit this job, but you will make the group break apart again and your new fans that were looking forward to listening to you today will be left in disappointment.'

Yuna looked at the phone hard and thought about what he said carefully. "UGHHH, SHUT UP! YOU'RE MAKING ME FEEL BAD! OKAY, FINE. I'LL DO IT!" she yelled, chucking her old brown teddy bear at the phone and knocking Psy over along with it.

"Oof! Hey! Watch where you're throwing!"

'Hahaha! I knew you'd say yes. Come over to the studio an hour early to get ready. Use this time to calm yourself down and don't worry, we'll be doing the talking for you. You don't want to be discovered, right?'

Yuna rolled her eyes at the voice. "Yeah, thanks. I'll see you later. Bye."

Psy turned off the phone before Akira got to answer as she got back into her position.

"Hey, how about we visit the police headquarter in your spare time, okay?"

Yuna laid there for a bit longer and finally sat up from the cramped position, feeling her body ache. "Oww... Yeah, sure... I need my bandages to be replaced anyways..."

"Hello, Yuna! Here for a visit today?" the 18 year old girl asked.

"Yep. Can I also get my bandages replaced today?" Yuna answered sheepishly.

"Sure, come with me."

"Thanks, Stella," Yuna thanked her as she followed her into a room.

"Hey, Stella?"

Only A Childhood Friend (Future Card Buddyfight)Where stories live. Discover now