Character Profile and other OCS

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Name: Suzuki Yuna

Yuna means lovely(hirigana?)/moon(katakana?) maiden and Suzuki means bell tree.

Characters: 鈴木ユウナ

Nickname: Yun or Yun-chan (by none other, Tasuku hahahaha)

Alias/Stage Name: Kotone

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Birth date: February 15

World User: Dragon world (Spare deck: Ancient world -gift from a fan-)

*Age 9 - A really shy and cold kid, who loved to help people that she is very close to. Not very social at all and acts very calm around her surroundings. The more a person gets to know her, the less colder and more outgoing she gets. She is very honest and loyal to her only friend, Tasuku. Rarely talks to anyone, but with Tasuku she's able to say a few things. Yuna stopped smiling ever since she lost her parents, but after getting to know Tasuku more, she started to smile more often.

Age 13 - She is able to socialize to people slightly easier. Yuna trusts her friends a lot, having faith in each and everyone of them. Also a smart girl who's very bashful, yet very helpful to others she doesn't and does know. She is polite and clumsy. Yuna has a calm demeanor around everyone, but once her calm personality is broken, she will show her panicky side. It is hinted slightly that she has a crush on Tasuku, but her downfall is that she is very oblivious.

As a singer - Very outgoing even if she gets stage fright. Currently hiding her actual self and not letting anyone know who she really is, but plans to reveal it sooner or later (it's sooner). She enjoys sharing her music with everyone once she opens her mouth.
In general, she has a fear of heights... and is trying to over come it

Buddy Monster: Psychic Knife Dragon (Spare deck: Gold Dragon, Abend -gift from a fan-)

Buddy Skill: Air Glide (allows her to move faster and jump higher/double jump; can only double jump when she's about to touch a nearby object. if she touches it without the will to jump a second time, it'll turn out to be a normal jump. water will count as if it is land but will only drag her jump down.)

Core Gadget: Pale green with yellow outlines and a blue crystal in the center. Takes form of a pair of goggles, big enough to fit the core deck case and to wear, that hangs around her neck loosely. The core is on the left side of the goggle strap.

Affiliation: Student of Aibo Academy (Grade 7 Student), Singer/Composer

Aqua green hair and golden eyes
*Age 9 - Petite body. Hair on the sides is long in the front (reaching a little above her chest) and short in the back (passing her neck about a 1/2 inch). She braids her hair into a headband braid, securing it in front of her left ear, and has bangs that slightly sweep to the left. She wears a white polo with a striped emerald green and brown ribbon tied at her neck, a light green dress with pale yellow diamond designs in front, pale yellow hems on her collar and the hem of the skirt, a pair of striped light blue and white thigh high socks, and brown shoes (at school it's the regular school shoes).

Age 13 - Slim body with a non visible build. Hair on the sides in the front reaches the middle of her chest and the back of her hair reaches past her butt about an inch and her bangs past her eyes slightly. A lock of hair centers in the middle of her face while the rest sweeps to the left a little more than usual. She wears a sleeveless white dress that reaches a little above her knee with a long blue ribbon tied across underneath her chest; creating loose loops around her, under her grey cardigan. Her cardigan has a white collar and another long blue ribbon that loops 4 times on both sides and once in the center of the loops while the rest of the ribbon stops past her chest. The cardigan has light blue hems on the sleeves, at the end the collar, the edges of her pockets, her shoulders, the two ribbons around her chest, and the edges of the cardigan. She wears a pair of white socks that reaches mid thigh and loose grey ankle boots with little heel to them. On the sides of her boots are loose light blue straps. She wears the middle school uniform and the school shoes while at school.

Only A Childhood Friend (Future Card Buddyfight)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant