Chapter 11: Dallas, TX

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The wedding was 2 months ago and you haven't seen Tyler since. The season was in full swing and it was hard for him to find time to come visit or you to visit him especially with the holiday's coming up. You were trying to save time at work so you could actually relax this year and not work through them. It was a Friday morning and you were walking back to your office after visiting Chase, who you had just found out that the doctors found a medication that so far he wasn't rejecting. As you entered your office you heard your cell phone ringing and Tyler's name lit up across it. "Seguin, what's up?" You kicked your heels off and slumped in your chair. "What time do you get off work?" He sounded as if he was in a rush. "3 o'clock, why?" "Perfect, I'm going to need you to pack your bags immediately, bring the Stars hoodie I gave you, and head to the airport with Sam. Your flight is at 5, she's already home packing." You sat up in your chair. "Tyler, what are you talking about?" "Ooooh you first named me, are you mad?" He broke into a laugh and then sighed. "You're coming to Dallas...we have a home game this weekend and I want you there. No, I need you there." A smile spread across your face, you had talked about going to a game but no real plans were ever made. "You booked us a flight?" You couldn't believe what he was saying. "Yes and I'm gonna need you to shake this confusion and make sure you get to the airport on time. Text me when you land, I'll come to get you but I have to go we have a morning skate. See you later babe." Before you had a chance to answer he had hung up.

The rest of your day went by slow but once 3 pm hit you were running to your car to get home in enough time to pack. You walked in the door and Sam was sitting on the couch next to her suitcase. "Hurry girl, let's go see your man!" She yelled while following you to your room. You packed within the next half hour and changed into leggings and the Stars hoodie Tyler gave you, along with a black beanie and vans. "Okay, let's go." You both made your way to the airport. Your flight was relaxing, and you were so excited to see Tyler. When you landed you text him right away to let you know you were there.

Just landed, grabbing our bags. Let me know when you are here!

Y/N, I've been here for 45 minutes lol I'll meet you by the pickup doors.

You chuckled as you lifted your bag off the belt and followed Sam to the door's that were labeled "PickUp & RideShare." You followed a huddle of people when you saw Tyler walking your way and you realized again that it had been 2 months since you've seen him. 2 very long months. You pushed through the crowd, leaving Sam behind and dropped your bags jumping into his arms. "I've missed you." He said as he buried his face in your shoulder. You smiled as he put you down, still keeping your arms wrapped around his waist. Sam followed behind you and couldn't help but laugh when she got to you both. "I don't think I've ever seen you run that fast in the 13 years that I've known you." Tyler smiled and leaned over to give her a hug with you still attached to his waist.

"I have a surprise for you two...wait are you allergic to dogs?" You both shook your head "no" and watched as Tyler's face lit up. He grabbed your bags quickly and led you over to his car where you saw movement in the back seat. After throwing your bags in the trunk he went and opened the back door and 3 labs jumped out jumping on both you and Sam. "Ladies, this is Marshall, Cash, and Gerry." Tyler said with pride in his voice. You couldn't help but get down to their level and pet and plant a kiss on each one of their heads. "It's nice to meet you, handsome boys!" You said as Cash circled you and then settled by your feet. Cash followed you closely as you were about to hop in the passenger seat. "Bud, you gotta sit back here with Sam, there's no room for you up there." You heard Cash whimper and you shot Tyler a sad look. "Baaaaaabe, let him stay...please?" You asked, looking out at him with puppy dog eyes. "Fine, but this better not make you his new favorite human," Tyler said while climbing in the driver's seat. Marshall and Gerry sat in the back with Sam as she pet them and played with them and Cash sat between your legs with his head on your lap. Tyler reached over and grabbed your hand as he drove you to his house.

Unexpectedly // Tyler SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now