stage 1

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Ryan's P.O.V

age 17

My doctor Spencer sighed heavily, " Ryan this never gets easier to say." Dr. Spencer put a comforting hand on my shoulder. " I'm sorry, but you have cancer." I stared at him with disbelief "I-I what?" I spoke in a soft questioning voice. " I'm sorry Ryan but you have stage one leukemia "

~An hour after they left the hospital~

"So Ryan what did the doctor say? " mom gave me a sad but question look. When I didn't answer she spoke again "yo-you've been quiet since we left, what happened?" my eyes started to tear up at the thought, slowly then all at once I started to bawl "mom I could die." she pulled the car over immediately and stared at me.

 "I have...c-cancer." my voice wavered, her eyes started to tear up as well she pulled me into a hug. "It's okay baby, it'll be okay I promise." I sniffled "but what if it's not mom?" she stiffened "well then say hi to your dad for me, okay baby?" she lightens the mood a bit " okay mom, I will" 

  ~Two weeks later~

I only have a few months of school left so mom wants me to Finnish and graduate, But I don't really want to do anything anymore, everything feels useless like everything can only get worse. Though I only have stage one so it could get better, but I have gut feeling it's not going to and sadly my guts never been wrong. 

I wasn't paying much attention to where I was going and smacked straight into someone, and feel. "Oh my god, I am so sorry I wasn't watching where I-" "no don't worry it's fine" I looked up only to see Brendon Urie, schools hottest student in my opinion that is, holding his hand to me. I graciously took it and got up. 

" thanks, your Brendon right?" I said trying to sound like I don't know everything about him. " yep in the flesh, gorge?" I blushed, I don't like my first name but I went with it. " um ya, but I like Ryan better." he smiled a smile so bright it could melt the skin off Superman. "Okay then, Ryan" the first bell rang and we looked at each other "well I got to go, but see you around maybe?" I nodded and when the opposite direction as him to get to class. ' your barking up the wrong tree ross Brendon's not even gay' I thought to myself. 

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