Chapter 21 -~Y/N & Y/TN~-

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Sorry late upload. I totally forgot😁 sorry


"Yah! Y/N! Y/TN! Why did you let him beat you up like this?!?!?" Jin shouted

Making everyone's attention on us.

"Don't worry... I have more than just an okay... for risking my life there" Y/TN said

"I have more than just a single evidence" I said, "I got 2... TRUTH... and lastly... JUSTICE"

"Y/N! Got me worried out there" Ludo said and hugged me

"*ahem* Hands off my daughter, Ludo" Dad said

"Sorry sir" Ludo said and bowed

As always all whispering

"Kims?!? Aren't they the richest family in the whole Asia?!?!? You've gotta be kidding me! The scholars are the real daughters of the Kim's?!? OMG!" Girl 1 said

"Who is their brother?" Girl 2 asked

"Been fan girling around and all along you didn't know who?" Boy 1 asked and laughed

"Jin and Rm" Boy 2 simply said

"They're the richest family in asia..." Girl 3 said

Their jaws dropped

"I called her bitch 3 times" Sungjae said

"I called her a hoe" Sana said

"I did the short film at prom" Yungjae said

"I presented it to everyone" Sana added


"I flirted with her the first day" Tae said


"Hey hottie~ Need some help?" Tae asked and winked at Y/N

"Eww" She said and walked away.

-End flashback-

"I- I put a cockroach in her uniform" J-Hope said


I changed my clothes back but felt something walking through my bare skin...

"Augh!!!" I shouted jumping up and down

J-Hope started filming it

-End of flashback-

"I... locked the both of them inside the science room. Including Tae and Jk" Suga said

I smiled

My twin as well

"I ruined Rhyme's... I mean what's your name?" Suga asked



"I ruined Y/TN's Car..." Suga said

"We all remember that..." Rm said and laughed

"I accidentally saw her,  in her undergarments" Jk said


I quickly put on my undergarments after taking a shower after our Soccer practice.

HOT YOUNG BLOODS |  정국 x Y/N | 뷔 x Y/TN ✔Where stories live. Discover now