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Because she pushed Joe out of the way to hug Nick.


AN: Hey guys!

Okay, I've decided to continue with this book as I've done a bit of research and asking around for more reasons. I think I have enough but I need some more! Please, if you have more reasons, give them to me! I'll give you a dedication ;)

I want to be able to reach two hundred reasons if we can! So please give me your input!

I'll start updating perhaps tomorrow so I can make sure everything is perfect for you guys!

Question: Do any of you believe that Nick and Miley will get back together? Tell me your thoughts!

So thank you for reading/voting/commenting, it honestly means a lot to me people! Please follow me and check out my other books as well!

Peace out, Nilerz! 🏆

~ Sianymouse ✌️~

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