293 5 13
  • Dedicated to Miley Cyrus and Nick Jonas

Hello Niley Fans!

Okay, I realise that it appears I have seriously neglected this book BUT. . . I havn't got any more reasons for Niley!

I could really use your help here! I don't want to end up giving this up because so much research and input has been put towards this. I actually refuse to give up completely! Lets just say I have been taking a long break. . .


Miley is finally off the shelf! May sound cringeyyyyyy but she is! With Patrick Swartzenegger! He's awesome! But how do you feel about them?

Do you think they are adorable and should be together for ever/ages OR. . . are you an avid Niley fan who will NEVER let go of them. Are you determined that Niley should be???

I have mixed feelings, can't explain - SOZZY :P

Anyways, please leave/give input!!! Chapter dedications will be on offer ;)

~ Sianymouse x

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2014 ⏰

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