Chapter Twenty-Three.

Start from the beginning

        I don’t know whether or not he thought I was completely stupid but Justin sent me the biggest death stare he could to tell me to play along even though all I wanted to do was kick his father exactly where it hurt.

                “Yeah.” Justin faintly laughed, his voice completely broken with pain. “I’ll go do that but um, this is Alyssa dad. She’s one of my friends from school.”
            “It’s nice to meet you.” I said with a stern look on my face. “I’m actually here to help Justin with his Trig. He explained to me that he’s been having a hard time with it so I offered to tutor him after practice.”

        “Well it’s a pleasure to meet you Alyssa. Thank you for being so kind enough to help him.”

        What I wanted to do right now is cry for him. I wanted to tell his father off and I wanted to do something, anything to get him to never do this to him again but unfortunately I know I’m helpless. There’s nothing I can do to get this to stop and that literally killed me.

        “You’re welcome.” I choked out, managing to force a smile. “Justin let me help you clean your nose up. C’mon.”

        Grabbing onto his wrist, I gently pulled him towards the downstairs bathroom and as soon as I closed the door behind us my heart completely broke into two when the tears started to stream down his cheeks.

        The tears he had were silent and he wept quietly, his back sliding down the wall until he was on the floor with his face in his hands. The only thing I could do was immediately sink down next to him and hug him so tight that I don’t think I could hold him any tighter. He was such a nice person. He did so much for so many people yet he dealt with so much pain.

        “P-Please be quiet.” He whispered. “I-If he hears then-“

        “Shh…” I replied, rubbing my fingertips gently up and down his arm. “It’s okay baby. You’re okay.”

        Standing up from the floor, I looked through a numerous amount of drawers until I found a washcloth and ran it under warm water.

        This was the last thing I ever expected to find out about him. I never thought in a million years that he was abused. Partly because I’ve never seen any bruises. I’ve never seen any sign of physical harm on him so I don’t get how I’m just now finding out about this.

        I didn’t know when to say something or even what to say at this point so instead I just sunk down back beside him and instructed him to tilt his head back, gently pressing the cloth against his skin.

            He winced and slightly pulled away, the tears continuing to stream down his cheeks. I felt all of the sobs just wanting to come out of my body but instead I somehow held them all inside and tried to remain somewhat strong for him.

            “I’m sorry.” I whispered. “I’m so sorry Justin.”

            “Baby I-I love you so much but you just need to leave. Please just leave. I’ll be okay.”

            “No way in hell.” I immediately replied. “There is nothing you can do to get me to leave you right now. I’m taking you home with me.”

            “You don’t understand.” He quietly said. “He’s going to act like the nicest person and yes, he’ll let me leave with you, but when I come home it’s going to be ten times worse for me. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you and I’m sorry you had to find out this way but now is not the time to talk about it.”

            I sat there in front of him and couldn’t find it in me to leave him here. He was in the most broken state I’ve ever seen him and I couldn’t help but think of how I was going to leave him earlier. I was going to break up with him when he’s already so broken. He needed me a hell of a lot more than I needed him and I’m making a promise to myself now that I will never ever leave his side. 

            “Okay.” I finally was able to get out. “If that’s what you need then okay.”

            “Please don’t be mad.” He pleaded. “I promise I was going to tell-“

            “There is no way I could ever be mad at you for this. When we’re alone and when you can tell me about it I’m going to help you Justin. I love you so much and I’m going to try and do whatever I can to try and somehow get you away from-“

            “It’s taking an awful lot of time cleaning up that nose.” His dad said through the other side of the door. “Is everything okay in there?”

            “Yes!” I squeaked, jumping up from the floor. “There was just um, there was just a lot of blood.”

            Opening up the door to reveal a fake plastered on smile, I stood there awkwardly with the washcloth in my hand and debated on what to do with it until his dad gently grabbed it from me and examined it. I wanted to shove it in his face and make him taste the blood he had caused but decided against it.

            “We really should get these nosebleeds checked out Justin.” He chuckled. “I don’t understand why you keep getting them.”

            “Yeah.” Justin laughed as if he wasn’t just completely sobbing a couple of seconds ago and shrugged his shoulders. “Alyssa’s gonna head home but is it okay if she comes over to tutor me? She’s been doing good so far and I really think I’ll do better on my next test.”

            I was literally struggling to breathe from all of the anger I was withholding as I stood there and waited to hear his father’s response. I can’t even begin to fathom that someone dared to put their hands on him. How dare they put their hands on something so perfect.

            “Of course!” He exclaimed. “Anything to get those grades up of yours.”
            “Cool.” I replied, feeling the tension rise literally every second I stood here.

            I didn’t want to leave him but he told me I didn’t have a choice. As soon as I leave here who knows what will happen to him? The thought made my stomach twist in such a gut-wrenching way I thought I would throw up.

            “Well Alyssa I’ll see you tomorrow. Thank you for coming over.”

            “Yeah.” I instantly piped in. “No problem. I’ll uh, yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye Mr. Bieber. It was lovely meeting you.”

            “Same goes for you Alyssa. I appreciate you trying to help my son although I can almost guarantee that despite your efforts, nothing will help him.”

            His sentence was certainly not referring to homework and I know he knew that I knew about what was going on. I wanted to call the police right now on him and to have them come and arrest him but something tells me Justin would just say he fell or something. I highly doubt he’d actually tell the truth and that crushed me inside.

            “Well I think you’d be surprised.” I decided to say and tilted my head to the side. “Many people under estimate my abilities Mr. Bieber.”


So i'm guessing no one expected that to happen, or maybe you did. I kind of tried to put some hints in previous chapters about how he was petrified about teling his dad and having to hide everything from him. This puts a huge twist on the story and i'm excited to continue with it.

Thank you for getting this story over 300,000 reads! That is honestly so insane and I couldn't be more grateful for all of you, I mean that. 

Please comment and let me know what you thought :)

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