Advanced Falling

Começar do início

"Look Poe, it's happening. You can either help me or I'll do it alone. I have a plan and we need the Falcon. If you want to be babysit me that means you have to come along."

He closed his eyes, shaking his head with a sigh. "Lets go catch ourselves an evil jerk then I guess."

The officers from the security station reached the cell and found a pile of troopers out cold on the floor.

"No... that's impossible..." They looked at each other in despair as the one nearest the pad reluctantly opened the door. As they feared, Kylo was there waiting for them. He sent the pair flying past the station and into the wall between the two lifts, rendered unconscious on impact. The remaining officer ducked down and tucked herself as far as she could go under the station, closing her eyes and trying her best to be invisible.

Heavy footfalls echoed down the hallway and past the station. She heard the lift doors open and close, and after a moment of silence only then did she rise to the controls, typing up a quick message to Phasma even though she was likely asleep. She sent one to Hux as well but ran to the other lift to wake him in person. Given the secretive nature of the imprisonment she was unsure of what would be considered right or wrong protocol in this situation

"No... NO!" Mara jumped awake to see Phasma up and yelling profanity she'd never heard before as she rushed to get her armor on. She had security alerts set to their own special tone specifically for instances like this. The piercing screech of the TIE fire alarm snatched her from the depths of sleep, and she barely even had to read the message to know what happened.

"Phas what is it?"

"Kylo is loose. You stay here and don't move until I come back. It's not safe. "

"I can go to-"

"Mara...Stay. Here." The tone of her voice was firm, and slightly worried.

"Be safe, Phas, and please just kill that little shit this time."

"I fully intend on it."

Hux woke to incessant beeping at his door. His heart was pounding before his feet hit the floor; somehow he already knew what the visit was about. He pulled on sleep pants and an undershirt to answer the door, doing the best he could to smooth his disheveled hair into some semblance of decency.

"Sir I don't know how, but Kylo got out of his restraints and he got on a lift. I don't know where he went, I came directly to you. He thinks he killed all the guards, he doesn't know I was there. I-I didn't know what to do."

The words woke Ichara from her sleep as if she'd been dumped straight from the warm bed to the frigid tundras of Hoth. The icy terror dazed her, moving without thinking as she got dressed. Her mind screamed inside her head while limbs moved on their own accord; her subconscious knowing it was time to act.

She heard Hux cursing and getting dressed as quick as he could, snatching a clean uniform out of his closet.

In her poorly timed attempt at letting everything go the night prior, she'd left her weapons in her quarters "Fuck, my sabers aren't here... you know what? It doesn't matter."

"Ichara wait, we need-"

"I'm done waiting, Hux!" she yelled, a bit more shrill than intended, and took off barefoot into the halls. She punched the lift button and closed her eyes, searching for him.

Where are you going?

Kylo could feel the brush of her reaching out for him like icy finger tips down his spine, and hurried even faster towards the hangar, doing his best not to wobble or look concerned. It seemed that Hux had done a half decent job of keeping his imprisonment a secret and other than a few strange looks no one said anything as he climbed into his Silencer. He knew the ship inside and out, and with a few quick keystrokes was able to deactivate the tracker installed while the engines started. Unsure of how much longer he could stay coherent, he punched in the settings for Balamin on the nav system. Ideally he'd give it more time to warm up but he could feel her fury ripple across the force as she entered the hangar. Every step she took thrummed through his mind like the tic of a countdown clock. He activated the thrusters, eyes focused on the edge of the runway.

Copper for the CharlatanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora