Naomi stopped me in the hall after classes.
She pulled me into the girls bathroom forcefully.

"What happened?" She asked.

"With What?"

"Hello the pig head someone put in your boyfriends car?"

"Look, B handled it okay. Forget about it's like it never happened."


"Yes, Naomi and don't tell anyone about it."

"I told Tyler."

"B already told him too. No one else seriously."

I left out the bathroom. I went to my next class and sat in the back. I didn't know what to do. The boy who is I guess my boyfriend is hiding things from me. Terrible thoughts crowded my brain. I didn't even pay attention I wasn't the best at hiding when something was bothering me.

After school I waited for B in his car. The car smelled of bleach and air freshener. He got in the car and looked at me so confused.

"What?" I asked.

"I was waiting for you!" He said raising his voice.

"I came straight to the car."

"You could of told me."

"I guess we both are not telling each other things."

"Seriously this is what we're doing now?"


"I'm trying to protect you."

"I don't want to need nor want to be protected."

"I'm sorry okay," he said.


He pulled out the parking lot and held my hand. B dropped me off at my house. He kissed me and this one was different it was sincere and passion.

"I'll call you tonight," I said.

"I'll be waiting." He replied.

I kissed him once more on the cheek. Then I went inside the house. I went upstairs and changed. I put on pajamas and washed my hands. I went back downstairs to the living room. Jeremy was sitting in there playing video games.

"Hey Jere where's mom?"

"She's in her room crying."

"What happened?"

"Dad left ."


"He packed a bag and he left."


I ran up stairs to my moms room. She was weeping when I went into her room. There was a empty whine bottle on her nightstand. I didn't recognize my own mother for a second.

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