"Oh, I, ah, lost it a few years ago. What does it matter?"

"So you're used to fighting with two sabers, and never thought to tell me?"

"I didn't think it mattered, I-"

He shoved the saber to her chest and ran his hands down his face in frustration. "Just go. We're done for today."

"I'm sorry, Kylo, if-"

"Get away from me." he growled, stalking to the corner with the automated training droids.

"Good, you're being fucking awful anyways." she muttered, holstering her saber as she stormed out.

"Did you have something to say!?"

She ignored him, grateful to have made it just past the doors before he decided to drag her back into the room. Her chest burned like an inferno, and the stress demanded a physical release. An officer ran into her as she flew around a corner, the impact cracking her thin shell of self control. Without thinking she spun him around by his shoulder and punched him square in the face, turning to continue on to her quarters without saying a word.

Still unsatiated, she decided to take a page out of Kylo's book and dipped into a supply closet. Screams echoed in the small room as she wailed on whatever it was that surrounded her, raining down destruction till the smell of burnt plasma was unbearable. She fell to her knees, chest heaving and hands shaking as she stared at the glowing gouges of molten metal. Various canisters and their contents were scattered about the floor. Wiping the tears from her cheeks, she took a deep breath, and left as if nothing had happened.

"What happened to your face, lieutenant?" Hux arched an eyebrow at the man before him, a fresh split in his lip.

"The apprentice, sir, I ran into her... it was an accident, and... she hit me. Then, um, the supply room on level 26, she went in there and, well... you know how those people are"

"Indeed I do. I'll discuss this with her."

His eyes widened in fear "No! General, it's my fault, I-"

He held up his hand and cut the man off "Dismissed."

The man wrung his hands nervously as he walked to his station, fearful that there would be a round of retribution should Hux say anything to her.

It had been almost two weeks since the last time Hux saw her, and he jumped at the excuse to summon her. Every day that passed he kept expecting her to traipse into his office, rudely demanding something from him, and every day that she didn't he found himself missing her a little bit more. He left the bridge to mull the situation at his desk, tip of his thumb resting on his teeth, lost in thought. His holopad buzzed, and sure enough the storage room had been decimated. It was bad enough having Kylo maiming equipment, but he refused to add the cost of a second feral force user to that stack of damages.

The next day he gave a stormtrooper specific orders to tell her to come to his office, then take the rest of his shift off. He wanted her coming to him alone. After the trooper left he waited a few minutes before leaving his office to stop in front of a closed door, waiting. He was afraid he'd timed it incorrectly until Ichara came whirling around the corner like a phantom. She almost tripped over her own feet when she saw Hux leaning up against the wall, smiling. Perfect planning as always

"Fancy seeing you here" he purred before snatching her arm and dragging her into the supply closet, shoving her into a set of mangled shelves as the doors closed behind them.

"Ah, General Hux. What an unpleasant surprise." She was startled to see him, and did her best to cover it with condescending snark.

"I have absolutely had it!" he jabbed an index finger into her chest to emphasize every word. "I will not tolerate this from you!"

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