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The next day they were traveling by dawn. By midday they came across the hideout. Sasuke took the lead. Sasuke took a long breath before stepping into the damp opening. Sakura was shocked at how well he navigated the corridors. They had made several turns already and if she wasn't so well trained, she'd never be able to find her way out.

"Sasuke," a voice hissed from further up the walkway. "Interesting to find you here."

"We need to speak. Regarding your visit to the Nara compound."

"I actually have no idea what you speak of," Orochimaru chimed. His voice was always unusually calm. It sent shivers up Sakura's spine.

"You don't recall digging up a severed head that could still speak?" Sakura sneered.

She wasn't in the mood for Sasuke and Orochimaru to have their little reunion. She wanted to be out of this place as soon as possible.

"Ah, I did have a troublesome head show up a few months ago. It had an intrigued shinobi holding it, however. This way." Orochimaru began walking toward what they presumed was a laboratory.

"Naomi," Sasuke stated.

"Yes. She seemed to be looking for the immortality this specimen had found. I was truly interested too." As they entered the laboratory both leaf shinobi cringed, understanding the horrors that took place here.

Sakura was the first to notice Hidan's head in a vat. His mouth moved at the sight of her and Sasuke, but there was no sound.

"I found the water is the best way to silence him. He doesn't seem to mind the consistent drowning sensation." Sakura felt goosebumps take over her. Orochimaru was so nonchalant about torturing someone.

"What did you do to her?" Sasuke demanded.

"Well after you murdered her, or well attempted to, I had Kabuto heal her. She was far too valuable to lose. She was immediately transported to a different hide-out and simply trained the same as you. I wanted to see if your will to find power could be mimicked and it could. Except she fed off her hatred of you."

Sasuke's eyes widened. Him? She couldn't possibly be holding a grudge from their battle. He had no choice.

"As most of the power-hungry seem to do, she ran off from me. However, as most also do, she came back. And with a peace-offering," he gestured to Hidan.

"She could never survive being decapitated, but thanks to the research of him: She can certainly outlive most injuries. It's a handy skill in addition to her pain and environmental resistance."

"Why have you sent her-" Sasuke began, but he was cut off by Orochimaru waving him off.

"I have not sent her anywhere. She left on her own accord with no orders from me." Sasuke scowled. "However, I feel as though she's luring you out. She knows you're a vigilante of sorts these days."

"We need to regroup. There's a village just this way, we can stay the night at the inn and devise a new game plan," Sakura announced.

"Hn," was all she received in response. Sasuke had been nearly silent since they had spoken with Orochimaru.

As they approached the inn, it was dusk. The tables of the restaurant downstairs were mostly occupied by old men playing cards and drinking. There were a few young travelers as well.

"Do you have any vacant rooms?" Sakura asked, placing money on the counter.

"Yeah, one left," he tossed her the keys. Sasuke had done nothing except what appeared to be sulking the whole way here.

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