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   "Hey Clint? What's happening?"She asked as he caught her and began to speed down the street on his motorcycle.

  "That organization is after you, so let's go back to New York."He began to drive quickly. Sorry Nat, but to keep Y/n safe forever we're gonna need the help of the Avengers. He thought to himself.

  They managed to lose their persuers and make their flight. They reached their flight safely. The only question is, how long can they keep running before they have to fight?

Random Pov

   They touched ground and the other Avengers had been contacted by Clint while you hugged his leg. "Listen Tony. Get a car that doesn't stand out and meet me at thd diner 20 minutes from the diner."Clint whispered.

   "Why?"Tony asked.

  "Listen I don't have time to explain just hurry and don't forget the car seat."Clint added and hung up.

  "I'm hungry."Y/n tugged on Clint's pant leg.

    "You like pancakes?" He asked and she nodded. They were in the midst of eating pancakes when Tony showed. "Let's go." I picked her up like a football.

   "But I'm not finished!" She whined. Crash! A bullet flew through the shop window luckily no one was injured. "I'm not hungry anymore." Clint jumped through the broken window and hopped through the cars sunroof.

   "Drive!"He yelled at Tony as he hoped into the backseat buckling Y/n in. Then he stuck his head back through the sun roof and started shooting.

   They made it to a clearing away from people, but they couldn't get any farther. The van infront of them stopped Tony and Clint got out but not before telling Y/n to stay close to them. "Hello Hawkeye and Iron man." The blond stepped out of the black van his face covered in scratches missing an arm.

     "Who are you?" Tony asked.

    "That's my father..."

Your Pov

   "Experiment 13 come here." He ordered.

   "So this why you hated Thor and Steve." Clint concluded.

   "Y/n my daughter come here or will you continue to disappoint me?" He asked, and I put my head down too scared to make eye contact with him.

   "I want you to tell me...The truth..." I ordered quietly too afraid to speak up.

   "Alright then since I plan on going through with my plan now anyways I'll tell you. You're mother was experiment A. She had powers super strength, speed, select elemental control, and berserker." He grinned evilly.

   "Berserker?" Tony asked turning to me.

    "It allows you attack like a crazy powerhouse." I informed waiting for Sir to continue.

  "However once you were conceived I reformed your body to be an artificial human, you're immortal and with the variety of powers I've put into you along with my menace you were supposed to faultless, but you held human emotions which I've tried to kill overtime so now I will kill it for good." Clint stepped in front of me.

   "As if she'll just go to you willingly." Clint scoffed.

   "Oh, but she will won't you my darling Experiment 13?" He asked and saw the canvas again, the words flew out of my mouth painting it.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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