Bad Girl

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Clint's Pov

    I didn't want to hear any of this, it was absolutely bullshit, it had to be. It just had to be a prank. I ran out into the rain letting it hit my face. I looked down and secretly there in the rain I cried.

   "My babygirl, is gone. Tony screwed up and now she's gone... Well don't worry baby, Daddy's coming." With that I went to go collect some intel.

    I turned into an alley way and called Nat on my cellphone, but instead she appeared right infront of me. "No matter how much I want to go I'm needed in other places, so take this." She handed me a peace of paper with an adress.

     "Thanks Nat." She nodded and I turned around reading to go save Y/n.

     "Hold on Clint, just promise me one thing." I nodded. "Keep her away from the other Avengers, especially Tony." I was kinda shocked.

     But I trusted Nat. "Okay...You can tell me why later." I didn't want to wait around any longer, I wanted to see my daughter.

Random Pov

   Clint was at the base of the of Chlorophyll the terrorist like company that had stolen the Avengers Daughter away in her sleep.

  He entered through the ventilation system climbing and maneuvering his way to the 13th lower floor. He felt freezing cold from the system itself, so he could only imagine the conditions she was in.

  "Listen up soldiers! Tomorrow is your first mission if you complete your mission."He watched as a soldier in full armor marched down to a cage where his tiny, little, fragile, 4 year older shook from the freezing cold.

  "Please, don't make me kill anymore. Please...Please I don't want to disappoint them." She was begging him. "Sir Please."

   "You...Worthless experiment 13, you're a disgrace to our family. Can't you see my opinion is the only one that matters."He took off his helmet walking over to her pulling off her banges that were covering still open wounds causing her to scream and cry in pain.

   He just laughed and walked away. Once he was out of the room. Clint ran over to Y/n's cell and noticed no one was in those cells. "Y/n I'm here." She didn't even looked up as he undid her chains and picked her up and exited the building.

  I first brought her to the apartment I have been using for this whole rescue mission. "Cl...clint...clint?"She asked looking up at me as I was dressing her wounds.

    "Yea? You hungry, you're probably cold too hold on."He ran around the apartment getting her in a change of sweats wrapped up in a blanket on the couch.

  "Clint."He sat across from her anxiously. "You should stay away from me I'm a horrible person."She cried.

   "Why would you say that, bad girl."He said getting on his knees infront of her cupping her cheeks and petting her head.

   "I killed again and I brought disgrace to my Father Again."She hugged him crying into his shoulder.

   "It wasn't your fault we both have done things we regret, but just because he was what helped give birth to you doesn't mean he's your Dad. Tony, Steve, Bruce, all the others and me. Were more father's then we'll ever be." She looked up at him.

   "Thank"After that she fell asleep due to exhaustion.

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