Finding You

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Random Pov

  The power of words is a scary thing just saying a word like shatter or burn,could destroy the whole world. But this damned organization controls my brain and I can't free myself,well not without help.

  Chlorophyll Secret Base...

 Experiment 13 a mere 4 year old girl was in a darck icy cell she has only a few rice grains,she is only fed properly before mission. Sadly she was injected with a super serum that will only allow her body and possibly her mind to age by 2 more years at the most.

  She knows a lot,well a lot about everything. Except for about herself,That includes her name,family,and even emotions it must be so sad to be lonely like that. But the Scientists told her that if she did everything they say they will help her with all that,she was going to be given her last mission or so she was told. But really they were just going to get rid of there monster.

Tony's Pov 

  The Avengers and I walked through the base then we noticed that it was much bigger than it appears to be from the outside with 13 lower levels, lucky for us the base seemed deserted so we just had to double check than we'd be out of here.

   "Okay I'll take the last 2 levels,  you guys divide the rest by yourselves."I say flying down the stairwell. I lightly flew the lower levels until I saw a cell with a plate and fork sticking out on the outside. I walked over and looked in the cell it was dark.I told Jarvis to activate the flashlight settings.Once again I peered through the cage and their in the far left corner was a little girl,she had knotty hair and raggedy clothing.

   "Guys come down here you might wanna check this out."I say through the intercom. Six minutes later,all the avengers were staring at the little girl I just set free from her cell.

"Tony where the hell did you find the kid."Steve asked."Is she yours,I thought I told you unless it's a serious relationship use protection."

   "This isn't mine,must be one of their experiments."

Well after some biting,kicking,and punching.They decided to bring Y/n back with them ,then decided to adopt her...

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