Getting settled

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Steve's Pov

   We made  it back in one piece luckily,but the little we've decided to take care of has only taken a liking to very few people. Which are Widow,Loki,Tony,and Clint.

    "Guys don't you think we should go and pick up stuff for Y/n,before tomorrow."Clint suggested.

   "No I want Clint to stay here,Blondie's you go."Y/n said latching on to Clint's foot.

   "Well what do you say brother Rogers ,shall we travel to what you Midgardians call a shopping mall."Thor say as happy as ever.

"Sure Thor." I say,but Tony burst out laughing.

  "Listen you two ,not saying I don't trust you or anything,but take Nat with you."He says passing a card over to nat.

    We then change into disguise and head out.

"Hey Nat why doesn't Y/n like me?"I ask as we walk into a child's clothing store.

   "Relax Steve it's only her first day she'll warm up to you."She says picking a few things up.

Loki's Pov

  Those idiots get here quickly Y/n said something about chewing and hair and I've been hearing screams and giggles coming from the living area since.

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