Closing The Un-closable Suitcase

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Sorry, I know I haven't updated in forever. School is loooooooong and I've had graduation. Also I just started high school so ya. Enjoy

"Hey," said Leif as he walked into Sylrie's room. 

She was sitting on her bed, trying to shove her suitcase shut, and so far she was having no luck.

"Hi," Sylrie said, still trying to close the clasp on her suitcase. 

Sighing, she gave up and sat on it.

"I thought you'd be done packing by now," said Leif, sitting down across from her. 

Sylrie scowled at him.

"I would be done, but the clasp broke before I could close it," Sylrie grumbled, laying down and putting her head in Leif's lap. "I swear, these things were designed with an ani-Sylrie feature."

"You may be right," said Leif reaching over and clicking her suitcase shut. 

Sylrie's mouth fell open.

"What!" she screamed, though only half-heartedly as Leif ran his fingers through her hair, tucking the locks behind her ear and distracting her. "How the hell did you get it closed?!!!"

Leif grinned down at her and kissed her forehead.

"Some of us know that you have to twist the lock before closing it."

Sylrie smacked her palm on her forehead, right over where Leif had kissed her.

"Ugh! I completely forgot. My brain isn't working properly right now. I'm still kinda shocked about the whole Kayla-Illory-Catherine-William thing."

"Hey," Leif complained, taking her hand off her forehead and enveloping it in both of his own. "Don't do that. I can't kiss you properly if you do that."

Sylrie scowled up at him, then her expression softened. She reached her free hand up and, hooking it behind his neck, she pulled his mouth down to hers. He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up so she was sitting in his lap. Sylrie felt like freezing time so that she could stay in that moment forever, feeling the warmth of Leif's arms and the press of his lips against her own. A knock sounded out from the door, but Sylrie just tightened her arms around Leif's neck, digging her fingers into his hair. He kissed her back harder but after a moment they both pulled away. Sylrie turned around, pressing her back against Leif's chest so that she was facing the door. He threaded both his arms around her hips and started playing with the hem of her top, running his fingers over the bared skin of her waist. Sylrie flushed from the feeling and sighed, letting her head fall back against his shoulder.

"Come in," she called out to the person in the hall.

The door cracked open and Twyla poked her head in.

"Um, hey guys, are you ready to go?"

"Uh, nah, can, can I have a bit more time to pack?"

Twyla rolled her eyes at them both, but at that moment Leif had run his hands up under her T-shirt and over her stomach so Sylrie wasn't paying attention.

"Yeah, sure, whatever, you guys have fifteen minute to, you know, 'pack'."

"Mhmm," Sylrie mumbled, her eyes closed as Leif pulled her closer to him.

Twyla rolled her eyes again and left, closing the door behind her. Sylrie turned in Leif's arms so that they were as close to each other as she thought possible, that is until he slipped his hands under her t-shirt and fitting his hands to the small of her back, falling back on the bed and tugging her down on top of him. They kissed and everything faded into the background.

"Syl, I hate to say this, like really, really hate to say this," mumbled Leif against her mouth. "But we needed to go about a half hour ago."

Sylrie moaned and pulled away, lightly smacking him on the chest.

"Why do you always have to be the voice of reason?" she muttered, laying her head on his chest.

He chuckled and sifted his fingers through her hair, letting the strands fall before capturing them again.

"Fine. We should stay here all day. Actually, that doesn't sound like such a bad idea."

"Agreed, but like you said, we have to go."

Sylrie sat up and reached for her suitcase, only to squeal as Leif hooked a finger around one of her belt loops and pulled her back onto the bed and turned so that she was lying below him.

"You know what, why don't we just forget I said that?"

"Uh-uh, too late," said Sylrie, shoving him to get him to move.

He didn't budge, not even a little. She groaned and pushed him harder. Nope. He stayed right where he was.

"Leif we have to go or we'll miss the train."

"We can catch the next one."

"No," said Sylrie, and this time she dissolved into a shadow and passed through the bed, thumping onto the floor below.

Coughing, she transformed back and slid out from under the bed. This time Leif was ready for her. He grabbed her wrists and held her against him. She knew that she could still transform, but she didn't want to, and that made all the difference. Leif gave her a hard kiss and let go of her.

"Fine," he conceded, pushing a hand through his hair. "But we're continuing our discussion later."

"Obviously," said Sylrie, rolling her eyes and grabbing her bag. "Let's go."

Leif retrieved his stuff from his room and they walked up to the roof. The others were already waiting for them.

"Come on," said Twyla, motioning for them to follow her.

Once everyone had gotten their baggage and themselves down the ladder and onto the train, Sylrie called out, "Train, take us to FTD94."

FTD94 was the First Transport Division 94. Twyla had said that they would be able to get to Draconia from there. the train started moving, jolting everyone. They all stumbled before regaining their balance and sitting down. Sylrie rested her head on Leif's shoulder. the first chapter of their journey was coming to a close. It was a good chapter, she just hoped that nothing in the next one would tear them apart. She hoped nothing would tear them apart, period. As the train moved away from Paris, Sylrie felt stronger. She would do this. It would work.


She was no longer Sylrie Noir. She was now Illory Black. She had a twin, a future, and a kingdom. She would step up to the responsibility. They all would have to. A new beginning was starting, and this time they had competition for survival. Only one could come out on top.

They would be the winners. Or else.

Hello guys! Yes, this is the end of book 1. But don't worry, book 2 is on its way! i just want to thank everyone for my 500 viewers (YAS YOU PEOPLE ROCK! YEAH, I'M TALKING TO ALL OF YOU!).

So, yeah, thank again!


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