peace maker | 17

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Chapter 18:
Peace maker

"Doesn't have to end"
-Justin Bieber and BloodPop (Friends)

It was a Friday afternoon, Corbyn sitting on top of his bed with a litter of papers scattered all around him. A textbook sat on his lap as he occasionally rubbed at his eyes. His mother had yet to get his glasses fixed, forcing him to continue wearing his contacts. The irritation of his eyes only made it harder for Corbyn to focus on his school work. He was slowly growing a migraine. But pushing through the constant pounding at his head, the faux blonde continued to work on all the subjects he was assigned homework for. And it wasn't until he finished his math work did he let out a large sigh. He dropped his pencil to the side of him and rubbed at his aching head.

He even cringed when he heard the loud and familiar sound of the house door bell go off. It echoed throughout his brain, only making the pain sharper. Corbyn closed his eyes as he gave up and fell back. He heard a few papers crumble under his weight, yet he had no care at the moment. He actually found relief from the sudden relaxation. His head no longer pounded urgently.

Corbyn heard his bedroom door open, fighting the need to open his eyes and see whom had entered. He knew if he even opened his blue-green orbs, his head would once again start hammering him. He waited for the person to speak to him; their voice being all the evidence he would need to tell who was before him. And he was surprised to hear the angelic voice of his now ex boyfriend. The thought alone forced Corbyn to snap his eyes open and sit up.

"D-Dani? What are you doing here?" Corbyn wondered. Seeing the brunette fiddling with his fingers anxiously, as he looked around the faux blonde's room, was enough to show he was just as surprised. Daniel seemed like he wanted to leave now and never return.

"Zach and I wanted to know if you'd like to hang out? We were gonna go over to the new arcade" Daniel answered sheepishly. The two have yet to make eye contact, but it was reasonable. They only broke off whatever rushed relationship they had only two days ago. Things between them was of course going to be a little bit awkward.

Corbyn looked around at the many papers still surrounding him. Just thinking about having to continue such work made him annoyed.

"Yeah, why not?"

Corbyn was smiling as his voice seemed a lot more cheerful. It made Daniel finally look at him. And now they were both smiling stupidly at each other.


The three teenage boys entered the newest arcade, eyes widening in awe. Colorful lights beamed over the walls, and the latest games were making all different noises. Many bodies of people from all ages roamed the large room, only smiles present as they had fun. It was enough to make the friends smile as well. Their contained excitement was being released the second they began to gather coins and head off too the many games displayed before them. And in the short time the three continuously battled each other at games, Zach bragged about how he was winning.

Zach and Daniel were just finished with another game, Zach jumping up and down at how he managed to beat the brunette once again. Daniel rolled his eyes, Corbyn giggling.

"I guess it's my turn to try and win" Corbyn eventually sighed. Zach had gotten excited once more as he bent down to place their coins in. But at such simple action, he had received a whistle of affection. Immediately the younger stood up and whipped around to see who had caused a such sound. He wasn't surprised to see it was Jack.

The curly haired boy had his arms crossed as he smirked. He eyed Zach up and down, licking his lips. Zach lightly shoved him, glaring.


"I'm sorry that you have such a nice ass" Jack lightly chuckled. Zach flipped him off.

"Are you here alone?" Corbyn suddenly wondered. Jack flicked his attention towards the faux blonde and shook his head as to say "no." He pointed to behind him.

"Here with my two younger sisters and Jonah" Jack answered calmly. But with a sudden boost of happiness, Jack smiled bright. "How about you guys join us?"

The three friends looked at each other wearily, Daniel being the one to finally speak.

"Sure" the simple word made Zach and Corbyn stare in amazement. But Daniel giving them a reassuring head nod, eased their flipped minds only a little. "Lead the way, Avery."

Jack bounced as he grabbed hold of Zach's hand before dragging him off in the way where he last saw his own peers. Corbyn and Daniel walked right behind them; the faux blonde keeping his attention on the oddly okay Daniel. And with a twitch of a smile, Corbyn hooked his arm with the other's. Daniel looked back at him with a grin. The two walked shoulder to shoulder over to a table, that sat two younger girls and a bored looking Jonah. Put at the sudden sight of Corbyn, Jonah perked.

"Let's go Zachy, I wanna beat your ass at air hockey" Jack spoke out. Zach turned to him with wide eyes.

"Oh you're on!" Both boys ran off.

"I'm surprised to see you two so close" Jonah suddenly spoke eyeing the two. The tension between the three was crystal clear.

"And I'm surprised to see you babysitting" Daniel joked as he motioned towards the occupied girls. Jonah took a a glance as well, snickering himself. Corbyn hearing the two talk without deadly glared being thrown was relaxing. It was enough to bring him peace.

"Jojo, I gotta go pee" the smaller girl with blonde hair ranted. She was pushing Jonah, wanting him to get out the booth so she was allowed to escape. Understanding the older stood up and let her out. And seeing the little girl begin to take off, the other female with brunette hair and glasses stood up and went after her.

Corbyn took the empty space as a sign to sit. He pulled Daniel along with, the two now sitting in front of Jonah.

"You're not smoking, right Jojo?" Corbyn wondered as smirked the tiniest. Jonah looked at him with a matching grin.

"As long as you continue to be my loving slave for two more days, Besson" Jonah replied. That made Daniel curious.

"What about next week?" the two looked at him. "I mean after this whole agreement is over. You gonna start smoking again?"

Jonah shook his head.

"Nah, I think I'm gonna quit."

𝙨𝙢𝙤𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜  || jorbynOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora