tutor | 2

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Chapter 2:

"Tryna fuck me and my mind up"
-Madison Beer (Dead)

The bell rang signalling next class, making Corbyn perk at the sound. He slung his school bag over his shoulder, then standing from his seat. Daniel and Zach copied his motions, them all walking towards the trash and throwing their lunch away together.

"Well I have science. See you guys later" Corbyn smiled. But before he could walk off, his shoulder was grabbed causing him to stop in his tracks. He had turned back around to see that Daniel was the one who stopped him. Corbyn grinned the slightest and waited patiently for whatever was to come.

"How about we walk you?" Daniel wondered, smiling bright. Corbyn tinted red at the question, feeling himself shake his head as to say "yes." The two other boys beamed at the answer and linked their arms together. They looked like a chain as they casually walked down the crowded hallways. They would be bumped here and there, making their grip on each other tighten. And it wasn't until Zach had his bag knocked off his shoulder, did they stop walking. The youngest looked back at who bumped him, calling out for them to stop.

The three teens had caught the attention of a few other students and even the stranger who ran right into Zach. They noticed the stranger as a male, him turning to face the three. Zach's eyes went wide as he noticed that it was none other than Jack Avery. The curly haired teen raised an eyebrow as he noticed the scene.

"Yes?" Jack questioned, approaching the younger. Zach just stared starstruck. Daniel even had to slap him upside his head to knock him out of whatever trance he was in. It got a few chuckles, Corbyn being one of them to let a giggle escape. Jack smirked.

"Y-You uh, made me drop my bag" Zach finally stuttered out. Jack looked down at the school bag, before rolling his eyes in disbelief.

"You really made me come back for accidentally running into you. I have better things to do than this" Jack spits, giving a small snicker at the end. Zach furrowed his eyebrows, giving the male before him an obvious glare.

"Well an apology would be nice" Zach suddenly blurted coldly. Jack seemed suddenly less attractive to him now.

"Oh, my bad your highness. I'm sorry" Jack smirks, making Zach clench his fist. The younger got closer, grabbing his bag off the ground. He then lightly pushed Jack, making him stumble back a few steps.

"You're a fucking dick" Zach then grabbed hold of Corbyn and dragging him down the hallway, Daniel quickly following behind. And it wasn't until they reached the classroom, did Zach stop and begin mumbling profanities.

He dropped his grip on Corbyn, crossing his arms. He stomped his foot, letting out a huff.

"And to think I would have let him suc-" He was cut short by Daniel.

"Alright Zach! We get it! He's a lot more than just a pretty face" Daniel said rolling his eyes afterwards. Zach scoffed, still mumbling incoherent things to himself. Daniel turned towards Corbyn, hearing the late bell ring. He leaned forward to lightly peck the older's cheek. Corbyn went red, giving a goofy grin. Daniel smirked. "See ya later blondie" Daniel winked as he grabbed an upset Zach, dragging him to their own class.

Corbyn nodded, giving a small "y-yeah" before entering his own classroom. He immediately took his seat in the back, the spot next to him always being empty.


It was the end of the class, Corbyn packing his personal items as the sound of the familiar bell rung through his sensitive ears. And with a grin, he threw his bag over his shoulder, following the other students out of the classroom. He really wanted to leave so he could see the people he began to consider his friends. But just as he was exiting the class, his name was called by the teacher. He immediately turned around, eyeing the teacher suspiciously. He was never usually called back into class. But not wanting to upset the older man, he walked up to the brown desk very curious.

"Yes sir?" Corbyn wondered. He began to fiddle with the rings that aligned his slim fingers.

Nervous habit.

The teacher looked at Corbyn, taking his reading glasses off to rub at his eyes before placing them back on. He then gave a bright smile, showing that what they needed to talk about wasn't terrible news.

"You obviously know you're one of my top students" Corbyn nodded sheepishly. "And so I want you to tutor a special student who isn't doing too good" the teacher explained further, making Corbyn tilt his head the slightest. Yeah, he tutored many kids before, but it was always frustrating. Corbyn didn't really have the patience for other students who refused to learn. Nevertheless he would suck it up and get the student a grade they deserve.


His teacher known as Mr Clifford sighed. He then spoke firmly.

"Jonah Marais."

Corbyn felt his world crash down. Jonah was known for never doing anything he was told. He was a rebellious teen who has many rumours made up about him. He shows up to school, yet never goes to most of his classes; making it useless to even make an appearance. He partied when he could and even does one of the most disgusting things Corbyn could think of.

He smokes.

Just the thought of the nicotine made Corbyn's stomach turn. He knew what smoking does to you and vowed to never try it.

"Is that alright, Corbyn? If not, I can always ask someone else or hire an adult to help" Mr Clifford spoke, looking at the teen's pale form. It took Corbyn from whatever trance he was in, giving a head nod as to say "yes."

"Yeah, just tell me what I gotta do" Corbyn confirms with a smile. It made his teacher grin too.

"He's failing science, along with many other classes. But those classes don't concern me; this one does. And as you know, we have a final test coming up soon. I need you to help him pass that test. If not, he might be held back" Mr Clifford explained. Corbyn nodded here and there to prove he was listening. "Do you think you can handle that task?"

"Of course. Jonah Marais will pass that test" Corbyn answered.

"Great. I knew I could count on you."

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