nerd | 1

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Chapter 1:

"And the world's going to know your name"
-The Script (Hall Of Fame)

It was currently lunch for all of the students who attended the public high school. Corbyn kept his head ducked low as he maneuvered through the many bodies that belonged to students and staff. He never really liked being in crowded spaces. So once he had gotten his disgusting school food, he quickly began to exit the large building. He took a seat under a large tree, which casted a shade. The faux blonde placed his tray of food down on the grass beside him, then pulling out a book that had related to most things involving space.

Corbyn always had a burning passion for the outer world. The way the stars twinkle in the night sky, or how all the planets revolve around the sun. It was quite interesting when you actually sit down and read a book about it. You start to learn things you didn't even know existed. And even if Corbyn practically knew almost everything about what it's like out in outer space, it didn't stop him from continuing to read a different book each day.

The blonde was about to grab for whatever food he had gotten, when feet had appeared in his vision. He pushed his black rimmed glasses further up on his nose, looking up to see three other students he can automatically know as his bullies. Corbyn wasn't the most popular kid, causing him to be teased every now and then. It's not like he cared though. He would allow them to throw insult after insult, knowing that in the end they were the ones who looked like fools.

"Hey Jake! Why did you come visit me today?" Corbyn cheekily smiled, closing his book. The blonde standing before him glared, crossing his arms.

"I didn't finish my homework for science. Hand yours over" the other instructed. Corbyn looked at his school bag, before up at a towering Jake.

"I can't do that. I didn't finish mine either" Corbyn lied. All it did was make Jake cackle.

"You're a terrible liar" he then snapped his fingers, pointing at the school bag. One of his minions behind him grabbed for it and handed it to Jake. Almost instantly Corbyn jumped up and tried reaching for his bag.

"Hey! You can't just go through my things! Give it back."

Jake smirked, stepping back from the other. Corbyn went to go reach for it again, but the two friends had gotten in front, blocking him. Corbyn frowned trying to go around but it was no use. He just stood there and watched as Jake ripped out multiple things. Or that was until he found a singular sheet of paper that had to relate to the homework that was due. The faux blonde found himself crossing his arms, pouting as Jake smiled evilly.

"Thanks for the answers twerp. I'll be expecting my A" Jake snickered as he walked away. Corbyn was left looking down at his things that were scattered about on the ground. He released a deep breath, before getting on his knees to collect everything.

As he went to pick up a notebook, his hand had connected with someone else's. Corbyn immediately snapped his head up to see someone unfamiliar. But then again, Corbyn barely knows anyone as he doesn't speak to most. He held a pale complexion with rosy cheeks and his brown orbs seemed to sparkle in the natural sunlight.

"Uh sorry, I was just trying to help" the other male said, handing over the notebook. Corbyn took it with a grin, stuffing it in his school bag along with everything else. He then stood to his feet, eyeing over the boy who didn't leave but instead watched Corbyn with a bright smile. "I'm Zachary, but you can call me Zach. We have third, fourth and seventh together; and lunch if you count that as a class."

Corbyn was surprised by his sudden lightening aura. Corbyn doesn't remember seeing his face in any of his classes, yet here Zach was knowing exactly who he is.

"Nice to finally meet you. I'm Corbyn" Corbyn replied, extending his hand out. Zach looked at it, before colliding their hands in a solid hand shake. It was awkward before Zach perked again.

"Hey! Wanna meet my friend? You wouldn't have to sit alone" Zach wondered. Corbyn chuckled at his childish ways before nodding. He doesn't think he could say no to such a big ball of sunshine. The blonde grabbed his lunch and his book before following a joyful Zach. He lead them towards a picnic bench that was a little farther from the school. "Hi Dani!"

The brunette who was sitting down looked up at the mention of his name.

"This is Corbyn. Corbyn this is Daniel."

Corbyn looked at the Daniel kid and grinned weakly, giving a shy wave. Daniel returned it, just more confidently. And when seeing the adorable smile, Corbyn couldn't help but think he was kind of cute. Corbyn placed his tray opposite of Daniel's, taking a seat; while Zach went to sit next to the brunette with electrifying blue eyes.

"So what brings you to our table of wonders?" Daniel asked with a short giggle. Corbyn's heart swelled at the sound. He shrugged, flicking his gaze towards Zach who seemed to be spaced. "Don't talk much?"

"I do...sometimes" Corbyn answered bluntly. Daniel beamed.

"Oh, so blondie does talk" Daniel smirked. Corbyn rolled his eyes.

"You know, I wonder what it would be like to feel his soft lips on mine" Zach suddenly says with a sigh. Corbyn trailed his gaze over to the school parking lot where a few other students skated. Daniel let out a laugh.

"You and your thoughts. Isn't he taken?" The brunette says.

Corbyn wondered who they were talking about.


Zach sighed adoringly.

"The rebellious Jack Avery. Oh, the things I would let him do to me" Zach then turned to Daniel with a pout. "And yes, he is. But that won't stop me."



It may seem boring now, but just you wait.


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