Chapter 13

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As we ate we talked. I watched her sip her coffee and take small bites of her crêpe. The way her lips wrapped around the fork made me shiver. I had finished my breakfast moments before, I continued to watch her as I sipped my coffee. She looked so delicate here, in this little cafe. I told her so and she laughed her magical little laugh at me. Just then the plunk of rain started on the awning. Christine made a face at the sound and I got up to speak to Daroga. He was standing by the door, not doing much.

"Hello old friend.

Hello, sounds as if it's raining pretty hard out there. That's what I wanted to speak to you about. See, I didn't bring an umbrella being as my lair has no windows.

You should look into that. I have a spare.

You're a life saver."

He went towards the back and brought out a huge umbrella that would fit three people under it.

"Thank you Daroga.

Of course."

We walked towards Christine. I payed him and he collected our plates. Christine thanked him and we left. I gave her the umbrella and held the door for her. The rain poured as we walked on the abandoned street. The dark buildings with their boarded windows looked even more unwelcoming in the rain.

"Erik, I think we are being followed."

Christine whispered over the pouring rain. I turned back to see the figure of a man with a bottle of what I assumed was whiskey in one and and in the other a small umbrella. Christine anxiously turned to me and the feeling grew worse. We both turned and the figure drew nearer. I handed her the umbrella and walked towards the man. She was right behind me. She was nervous.

"Sir, I don't know who you are or what you wa-

Oh you know me!"

He growled at me. It was clear he was drunk. As I thought for a moment I placed the voice with a face. Raoul.

"You're that bastard Christine left for me! Haha you ugly swine. I'm perfect in her eyes! And you stole her again didn't you!?"

He muttered. Christine ran towards him, I blocked her from reaching him.

"Raoul, I went to him I didn't even know if he was still alive!

Christine, he's got you brainwashed!"

He stepped closer. I was still shielding Christine as I glared at him not saying anything.

"Raoul, go home. She's chosen a different life."

I calmly ordered him. My heart was thudding in my chest.

"You do not tell the Vicomte de Changy what to do!"

He spit through his teeth as he glared at us.

"And you, you little slut. Have you been seeing him this whole time eh? Is that why you won't touch me?

No, it's because you're a different man Raoul. I don't love you. I love Erik and I always have..."

As soon as she said this he threw down his whiskey bottle and umbrella. He lunged for Christine and I pushed her back. I threw myself at him, pinning him on the ground. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins. He swung at me and missed. My fist made contact with his face. I heard his jaw crack as I hit it with all my strength. I hit him with everything I had. He got one swing in just under my eye and I started to hit him harder. Now I was aiming to break his nose, shatter the bones in his face. I picked him up the the collar of his shirt and bashed his skull off the pavement. He groaned and I figured he'd had enough. I picked him up by the collar again.

"If I ever see you, if you ever come looking for us, if you try to find Christine, if you send someone after us I will find you and next time you will die. Do you understand?"

I angrily growled at him. He groaned in pain. That wasn't an answer.

"Do you understand!? Yes, or no?

I do..."

He coughed. I got off of him, took his handkerchief and wiped my hands with it. I didn't want his blood on me. I turned to Christine as I threw his handkerchief at him. She looked a bit scared. I was ashamed of what I had just done. She threw the umbrella down and ran to me. I picked her up in my arms and spun her. Thank god she was safe. I put her down, took her hand in mine and picked the umbrella. We started home and I kept glancing sideways at her.


I whispered so quietly I wasn't sure she heard me. There was a hint of shame in my voice.

"Erik? What's wrong?

I'm so sorry you had to see that... Did you erm did you watch?

No, I didn't. But that was very brave of you Erik."

She looked up at me and I smiled down at her. She looked worried.

"Erik, did Raoul hit you? We need to hurry home so I can treat it!

It's alright, it's nothing love. He didn't hit me very hard.

Erik, it needs to be cleaned. "

She looked down at my hand.

"And your hand! Is the other one like that? Oh Erik, does it hurt much?"

I hadn't noticed the pain until she pointed it out.

"I will endure any pain for you Christine."

I smiled at her and she pulled me home.

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