Chapter 2

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I tried not to think of her. How could I not? Everything made me think of her! This piece of music is about her! I stood from my desk and stared at the lake. It was cool and dark reflecting everything around it. Just like her eyes. Those warm understanding eyes. Ugh. I needed to break something. Or throw something. There was an empty vase near my desk. I studied it for a moment then picked it up. As I felt it's weight in my hands for a moment I put it back. There's no reason for me to behave like this. If I'm going to be angry I should be productive. I looked at a few large pieces if firewood and the hatchet. I picked up the hatched and chopped them into smaller pieces. As I did this I screamed. I screamed because I was alone. I screamed because Christine was gone and I would never see her again.

The pieces of wood were splintered and I flung myself on the ground. I sat on the ground and angrily panted.

"Erik, she was never yours..."

I huffed at myself. This realization made me even angrier. Tears of frustration came pouring out. Why me? Why did I have to be cursed with this face? Why couldn't I be handsome like everyone else? Why couldn't I be normal? This was a question I had asked myself for years. There were times where death seemed the best option. Now was one of those times. But what if Christine came looking for me? That would never happen.What if it did? There's always a possibility! I stood up and went back to my desk. I'll live another day. For her. For Christine. I sat back at my organ and started to play what I had written. The sad sweet notes. It hurt to play them. I dipped my quill in my red ink and added a few notes to the score. As I set the quill down I heard an echo. The door the opera house. Someone wanting to see if the legend of "the Phantom of the Opera" is true? It happens from time to time. People come in to see the broken chandelier walk around, try taunting me. Before it may have worked. I might have appeared, mask-less just to strike fear into their hearts. But I had not desire for such childish antics anymore.

Christine, my flower...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora