Chapter 12

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I guided her through the opera house. We left through the back door, somewhere I was fairly sure by the look on her face that she had never been. The back door opened up to dark alleyways. I squeezed her hand as I led her through the abandoned streets. Most of the buildings were boarded up and empty. There were few people on the streets. We walked for ten minutes and came to a friend of mine's cafe. It was small and rundown looking. I held the door opened for Christine and she nervously went in. I followed close behind. As always, it was empty besides the servers. I eyed my friend Daroga and uncloaked my face. He gave us a smile and came over to us. There was a gleam in his warm eyes. I turned to a confused Christine and smiled at her reassuringly.

"Christine, my love this is a good friend of mine Daroga.

Daroga, this is Christine. The woman I've been telling you about."

He gave me a coy smile and I gave him a warning look.

"Hello Daroga I'm-

I know who you are Christine. You are all Erik speaks of. Come, sit down. Let us get you two some menus. You must be hungry.

Thank you Daroga."

He led us to a table that was far from the entrance. It was dimly lit and very small. Intimate. Christine's hand was still firmly placed in mine. I pulled her chair for her and went to sit across from her afterwards. Daroga handed us menus and poured us some coffee. It was piping hot and smelled delightful. I watched Christine pull her hood off and and start to scan her menu.

"I'll give you two a moment."

He winked at me and I shook my head at him. Such a child. He glided off to the kitchen.

"Erik, do you know these people?"

She motioned to the other serves who were waiting for other patrons.

"I know Daroga from long ago. Daroga is the head of this establishment so, nobody questions me. Or why I wear a mask."

I explained in a cool tone.

"I see. Erik, do you really speak of only me to Daroga?"

I could feel my face grow red. No answer came as I opened my mouth to speak. She reached across the table and grabbed my hands in hers. She brought them to her lips and I relaxed a bit.

"Erik, knowing that I'm all you think of, all you speak of and desire fills my heart with joy!"

I smiled at her and kissed her hands just as she had kissed mine. After I got done kissing them I put one down and scanned the menu with the other in hand. After a few moments I decided on an egg and ham dish with a croissant. I looked up from my menu and watched Christine read over hers. The way her eyes moved across the words. Made me smile. I put my menu down and took a sip of my coffee. Daroga returned he took our orders and our menus. While we waited for our breakfast we talked. I told Christine about how lovely this place was. It really was some of the most extraordinary food I've had. She smiled at me and we continued with our small talk. I mostly asked about her. I wanted to know what had happened with Raoul.

"Well, I must tell you at some point. Raoul had changed as I had told you. He started drinking heavily, and I'm not quite sure why. At the start of our marriage we were happy as could be, but suddenly he grew mean. He would tell me how awful he thought I was. Tell me he should've married a woman of higher status. If I didn't get him something as soon as he'd asked he would threaten me with things like 'If I didn't hurry he'd make me regret it.' He once held a knife to me..."

My nostrils flared and I slammed the table with my fist, making it shake. My blood was boiling. Rage filled me.

"How dare he treat you that way."

My voice was low, but the hatred behind it could be heard.

"Erik, it's over now. I'm here with you now."

She cooed and rubbed my arm. I was shaking and my breathing was very uneven.


If I ever see that man I will make him regret ever speaking to you in such a way. Ever do anything to-"

I looked up at her. There was a look in her eyes that had caused me much pain. A look of fear, mixed with concern. I stopped ranting and calmed myself immediately.

"Oh, oh Christine. I'm sorry to have frightened you. The idea of anyone mistreating you it just, it makes my blood boil. I'm sorry!"

I took her small hands in mine and pressed my lips against each knuckle. She smiled as I did this and I looked at her apologetically.

"It's alright my love."

She smiled at me again, reassuring me all was well. Just then Daroga strolled over with our food. Both plates looked delightful.

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