Epilogue - Gods of Hell

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There was no question about it – all of Regnum Infernale, the kingdom established by Michael, was quick to accept Melanie as their Queen Regnant. However, they were slower to accept Elijah on the fact alone that he killed the King, an unspeakable act for anyone to even think about. She was the Princess whom the subjects in all three sanctuaries had seen grow up, albeit rapidly, before their very eyes, thus she was more than familiar with her people. Their coronation was a grand affair, but because the crops in the Queen's Gardens (as the orchards and fields created by Misty were affectionately called) had not been tended for a while, the meals were not nearly as sumptuous as during the reign of Michael and Misty. However, Melanie and Elijah were treated with semi-raw animal organs served with various side dishes; all of which, they relished. Their half-siblings were all given high seats in close vicinity to the newly-crowned Queen and King, and were served the same dishes. As usual, the evening pressed on with revelries lasting the entire night into the early morning, but Melanie did not make it mandatory to party all night like her father once did – "for as long as you'd like," she instructed.

Elijah had a lot to learn under his new title, His Supreme Excellency and Infernal Majesty, King of Regnum Infernale; he originally did not want the title. He only wanted to be with Melanie, not caring if he even was her personal slave. Yet, he was definitely made for the job, being the son of the Antichrist and a Supreme Witch defining it all the more for him. Despite personal transformations, such as killing and punishing both John and the King in his relatively short life, he still found himself questioning his ability to carry out such a major role in the new world. Melanie was always quick to reassure him and try to guide him the best she could, as royal life was something she was used to. Even for herself as Queen, she remembered how her father once ruled, but still made her reign that of her very own.

As for their half-siblings, the newly-crowned royals put them, as well as anyone else in the sanctuary of demonic descent, in a different class above the general population. Each were given titles, within the range of arch-duke or duchess, but it was simply for show aside from distinguishing them from the rest of the sanctuary. They were also physically recognizable, not so much by dress or manner (save for special occasions like royal celebrations), but the red eyeshadow that was applied from the inner corner of the browbone down to the tear duct. This was clearly a subtle nod to how Michael appeared most of the time, and though Melanie was not a fan of social class systems, she thought this would help cut down on the incest that had gone on in recent times. 

If one person could tell another was of demonic descent like they were, then they knew to not have children with them; at least, for a few generations

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If one person could tell another was of demonic descent like they were, then they knew to not have children with them; at least, for a few generations. One such challenge involved tracking down the biological children of John Vanderbilt so that they may wear the red shadow like their father. They had been recorded in the genetic databases upon birth, with their father listed as John. He had so many sexual affairs with women in the sanctuary that his unions produced a total of seven children alone; three boys and four girls, all ranging between infancy and two years of age. One of the infants, a daughter, was bore by Lydia Blackwell, also his half-sister. The baby was examined for defects and born three months after conception, like a pure demon birth. She was in perfect health and shape – this gave Elijah and Melanie hope of trying for a second child because they were in the same circumstances.

Daughter of Darkness (AHS: Apocalypse)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin