Ch. 9 - Regnum Infernale

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The survivors of Outpost 3 were instructed to start packing as soon as they could, as the transport would be ready to get them in a few days. For Melanie, this was quite an easy task – she had most of her belongings that she took with her still in the chest, the same went for Michael. The transport also came with extra anti-radiation suits for the survivors, who were instructed to put them on when they were making their way out of the outpost. Misty had some extra help putting on hers when the day arrived – she couldn't believe the world had come to this point; having to put on suits because the air and soil were too toxic to do without one. As far as the amount of transportation, there happened to be just enough room for everyone – Michael, Misty, Melanie and Miriam got their own travel car, while the rest were fit into the other two. One travel car was the size of a small bus but resembled a cargo container or a caboose. They endured the long trip back to the sanctuary near Los Angeles, where the sanctuary in question was waiting for them.

 They endured the long trip back to the sanctuary near Los Angeles, where the sanctuary in question was waiting for them

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The sanctuary in this location was one, indeed, in every sense of the word. It was built on three square miles and was located mostly underground but with the first quarter of the structure built with light blue-tinted metallic glass walls to allow a view of the outside world; this was to give the survivors the illusion that it was a bright, clear, sunny day during daylight hours even though it was quite the contrary outside. The glass was also formulated to allow UV light to come in and shine on the flora growing within the sanctuary at that part of it. Going further, there were residential and recreational compounds in ultra-modern buildings with a clean, crisp style of architecture. A waterfall was in the back of the first quarter of the sanctuary, leading to a marsh-like pond that spread for a few yards toward the direction of the entrance. At the top of the compound nearest the waterfall was the permanent residence of Michael and his family.

When they entered after decontamination and removal of their suits, Michael led the way with his family and the survivors behind him. They all were in awe of the beauty of this sanctuary. Melanie had been here before when she and her father returned to the former United States from an outpost in Bora Bora, which has since been abandoned, as was the one near London so that the survivors selected could be brought to one of the sanctuaries. A few Cooperative employees in black greeted Michael with a bow and not much else as they continued upkeep. Misty smiled at her surroundings; everything looked so majestic. She was expecting fire and brimstone, but frankly, this was the opposite; this truly was Paradise. Melanie looked up at her mother as they walked through the sanctuary.

"Isn't this grand, mother?" she asked.

"I ain't never seen anythin' so... wild," Misty smiled, speaking softly in her Southern drawl. "It's beyond anythin' I could'a imagined."

"It's like the Garden of Eden!" Mr. Gallant exclaimed. "This is our reward for not eating those apples! HAHA!" His haughty laugh drew Melanie's attention. Naw, really, she thought.

Then, Miriam stopped and went in front of Michael, who also stopped so the rest could follow suit and pay attention to what had to be said. She began with a command to test their loyalty to their new Master in every sense of their word – though for convenience sake, he was their King.

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