The younger made sure to bow to the couple before making his way back down the stairs to start on cooking for the three of them.

Jimin opened the bathroom door and pulled Taehyung in with him before closing the door behind him and locking it. Jimin guided Taehyung to the edge of the bathtub and sat him on it.

"Baby, are you okay? How're you feeling?" Jimin quizzed.

Taehyung shrugged as he fidgeted with his hands while he looked down at them. Jimin clenched his teeth at his boyfriend's behaviour. He knew this was all down to him, and for that- he hated him more than words could describe.

"Taehyung, speak to me angel. Please."

He looked up at Jimin, lip quivering. "D-daddy."

Almost immediately, Jimin reacted to his call and managed to scoop Taehyung up in his arms as he held him while he cried. He pecked his forehead and hushed him as he walked around the bathroom to comfort him.

He felt bad for not realising that his boyfriend was under pressure, stress and scared. He usually slipped due to one of those reasons which rarely resulted in him crying.

Keeping his guard up around Jeongguk made him tense and constantly on edge. Dealing with his own emotions and attempting to protect Taehyung, he had completely missed the signs he would usually have spotted way before Taehyung had the chance to cry.

"It's okay, my baby, don't cry... Shhh, daddy's here. It's okay. It's okay."

Once Taehyung's cries came to an end, Jimin sat his regressed boyfriend on the carpet near the rather large bathtub. He put the plug in the drain and turned the hot water on to fill the tub. He looked around the space, eyes landing on a white cupboard which he walked over to.

He opened the door and found various types of bath salts, bath bombs, bubble bath and various shower gels. Jimin picked out a bath bomb and a vanilla and rose bubble bath. He took the items out and handed the bath bomb to Taehyung.

"Drop it in the bath, my love." He told him, a endearing smile playing on his lips.

Taehyung sniffled before crawling over to the edge of the bathtub. He looked down at the crystal clear water and dropped the bath bomb into the water like Jimin had told him to do.

The little watched in awe as the bath bomb dissolved, the water slowly becoming a light blue colour which smelt like blueberry.

Taehyung giggled as he clapped his hands together. "Daddy! Blue!"

"Yes it is sweetie." Jimin spoke as he watched Taehyung.

He never failed to make him happy even in the toughest of times. Taehyung was his happiness and he lived to see him smile and laugh so he could have a glimpse into the past of their relationship before him.


There was a soft knock at the bathroom door but neither Jimin or Taehyung could answer it as they were in the bathtub.

"Y-yes?" Jimin called out.

Taehyung whimpered and made grabby hands towards Jimin so he pulled him into his chest by his waist. He kisses the side of his head and told him to not worry.

"I left your clothes outside the bathroom."

Jeongguk's words were muffled as they were speaking through a closed door but Jimin still heard what the younger male was stating.

"Okay, thank you J-Jeongguk."

Jimin didn't get a response so he assumed Jeongguk walked away. He decided that it was time for them to get out of the bath since their food was ready.

"Baby, lets get out of the bath now." He told Taehyung as he gripped the side of his arms and pecked his cheek.

Jimin stood from the bathtub first and stepped out onto the grey carpet. It appeared to be that Jeongguk had a fixation on the colour grey in each and every shade it was available in.

Taehyung whimpered as he stared at Jimin's dripping, naked body. He pulled his legs to his chest and rested his head on his knees as a fresh set of tears rolled down his sunken cheeks.

Jimin's eyebrows furrowed as he stared at Taehyung. He begun to wonder why he was crying but it soon hit him.

Of course he would be uncomfortable around naked people due to the fact that he'd been raped so many times Jimin lost count. He bit his lip as he ran to find two towel. He found where Jeongguk kept his towels and quickly wrapped one around his body.

"I'm s-so sorry baby. Daddy's sorry." He muttered to me Taehyung as he kneeled on the carpet next to the bathtub.

Taehyung turned away from Jimin as he cried harder which gave Jimin the sign that he wanted to be alone. Jimin stood from the floor and opened the bathroom door. He saw the clothes Jeongguk had left for then and took one pile of clothes and put them in the bathroom before walking out and closing the door behind himself.

He picked up his pile of clothes and made his way into the room Jeongguk had said they were sleeping in. He removed the towel from his body and sighed. He wiped himself void of the bath water before changing into the white shirt and puma sweatpants he was lent.

He wanted to give Taehyung his space as he knew he needed it, so he made his way down the set of stairs by himself to be greeted by Jeongguk who was sat at the dining table.

Jimin noted that Jeongguk's out the food on the table and set three plates, each with a pair and stainless steel chopsticks next to it.

"Oh, Jimin hyung. Where's Taehyung hyung?" Jeongguk asked.

"Washing up." Jimin responded as he transferred his weight to each leg continuously.

Jeongguk only nodded and motioned for Jimin to sit on the couch with him. Jimin sat the furthest away from Jeongguk as possible on the large, black leather couch.

"Anything in particular you'd like to watch on TV?"


"Are you okay with a drama?"


Jimin shifted in his position, fidgeting with his small hands often. He determined the remainder of the night would be long to endure and moderately painful.

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