Chapter 9

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Turned out behind the door was an enormous room with a swimming pool built inside.

I threw the door open. The sight ahead shocked me to my core. I was stiff as a stick in my position, my eyes wide and round as John stared back at me in horror. His hands were up facing towards us and his body was wrapped securely in a thick coat, which was strange considering the warm indoor temperature.

The air smelled strongly of chemicals that were usually mixed with swimming pool water. I wrinkled my nose and shifted my gaze on John.

Sherlock, standing between us, turned on his heels slowly with a revolver in his hand. When he caught glimpse of me, a heavy sigh escaped his tight lips.

"Really, Leila? Bad timing."

Blinking, I recovered and ignored Sherlock. John was still silent, yet his eyes told another story.

Gulping with difficulties, I raised my voice, "What's up, John?"

My voice was cut off when dancing red spots began to fall upon John's chest. My thoughts were frozen pieces in a black hole. All lights from my head were gone in a second. Wearily, my eyes darted towards Sherlock and to my horror, red spots bounced off his suit as well. The sight was eerie. I glanced around, my limps numb by my side.

"Leila Watson, I have been expecting you!" A overly cheerful voice echoed in the massive room. I flinched, my heart was kicking crazy inside of me. The water in the swimming pool from across us was unsettling.

Fear and fury grew within my trembling body. "Show yourself, coward!" I shouted into the empty space, the water wavering my words.

A string of laughter replied me. Something in my stomach rolled and sank. Nothing felt right in this situation. I had to ball my hands into fists in order to calm my trembling self. My nails were beginning to dig into the flesh of my palms.

Then, ahead of us, a door was pushed open, and in walked a man with short dark hair and brown eyes. The smile that was playing on his lips crept me out.

"Oh welcome, welcome," The man raised his voice. "The game has just started."

As if a switch within me had been clicked, the adrenalin filled my veins and instead of constant fear, I felt the drowning need to get something done. What I did next surprise myself as well.

I walked ahead, my face blank and my heart emptied of emotions. I brushed past Sherlock, who was watching me with drawn eyebrows, his eyes were calculating every move of mine gingerly.

In a swift movement, my arm fell and my left hand touched Sherlock's for a heartbeat before I nicked his revolver from him. Sherlock was still and John stared with his jaw dropped.

I held onto the revolver and pointed it at the man. "Jim Moriarty, I presume?" My voice was lack of any feelings remained in me. My body was working like a machine. Somehow, I felt like I was watching the scene from far away, like I wasn't involved in all of these at all.

The smile on his face brightened as he steadied his gaze on me. I continued, "I don't have time for games." I aimed the revolved at his chest and held onto his gaze. The corner of my lips lifted as I showed my teeth. Strangely, I knew this was what animals would do when they wanted to defend themselves or mark territories. "Just quite all your drama and let us go."

Jim cackles openly and applause. I had a feeling he wasn't congratulating me on my gut but instead, my stupidity.

"In case you haven't noticed, I have trained men pointing their guns at your friends. I have the bigger bets here, my child."

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