Chapter 8

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Before the cab was pulled over, I was already out of the vehicle, sprinting towards the grey building that stood ahead.

John's name was written all over my mind, my eyes were set at the desert street that stretched before the shaded entrance. The sky was darker now, so were my thoughts. Trees and streetlamps fell back as I pushed my running speed to its limit. I knew Sherlock was inside the building, unfolding his mission of rescuing John, but he would need all the help he had gotten. If Jim could kidnap John right under the detective's nose without him knowing, then there was one thing I knew for sure: Sherlock had found his match.

You could judge me and tell me I was an idiot for entering the building without thinking twice. However, my brother, my only family left, was awaiting inside along with possible dangers that I simply dared not to imagine. I was more than anxious to get to my brother. Thank god I had had half the heart to actually text Lestrade my location on the cab. Sherlock and I would do good with an armed force right at the moment.

The moment I stepped a foot into the dim lobby, my sixth sense began to trigger adrenalin through my veins. So when the first attacker left his shelter of shadows and lurched at me, I was ready. Slipping aside, I narrowly avoided the attacker's heavy blow and knocked his revolver out of his hand. Another set of footsteps sounded behind me. I grabbed the man's shoulder in front of me and twisted as hard as I could. The action became a swift momentum for me. I jumped, both of my feet leaving the groun while the man in my taut grip yelped in pain. His knees buckled and he threated to fall. 

Gritting my teeth, I set both of my feet together and aimed at the back of the man's knee as I landed, hard. 

A sickening broken sound welcome my shoes' contact with the man's knee. The man jerked violently before landing with a dull thud. I snapped around long enough to catch a glimpse of thenew attacker's double chins before I sent a round house kick across his cheek. He fell face first, and I was left enough time to see his fat built body tremble a few times before settling down like a dead corpse.

I glanced around myself and realised the lobby was empty, hauntedly drown in silent shadows. Half of my head was still hazy over the fact that I took down two trained men in just a blink, while the other half was burning in worries and suspsicion that Jim had only brought two guards along with him to face Sherlock.

But if that wasn't true, then there could only leave one possible explanation: All the good men were situated inside, probably to take down my brother and the dective.

Rage filled my chest. Somewhere at the back of my mind, a magical feeling sparked and was sent down my spine. I gulped and bent over to pick up a revolver from besides the still man. As I crept further down the long corridor that seemed to go on forever, flashes of my fights with men of Jim Moriarty filled my head. I had to shake my head clear in order to focus on the present.

Adrenalin crawled under my skin as I remembered the nasty twist at his shoulder, the sickening noise that was heard when I broke his knee. It disgusted me on the surface, but deep down, something stirred.

I blinked and moved quicker, through I was as silent as a predator upon its prey.

The way the man's eyes went blank, his jaw went slack. At the last moment when the useless being decided to crumble by my feet, I remembered feeling goose bumps behind my neck, the sensation of victor and...satisfaction.

I froze, unable to process my jumping thoughts that seemed to unlock the darker side of me, a side that I never knew exist. The air was sucked out of my lungs as I struggled for more oxygen, but still, I felt like suffocating under the heavy layers of my spiraling mind. Everything around me was still as water, fragile as glass. It was as if I would easily break anything, as well as myself and the truth, if i dared to move an inch.

It was then a loud bam sounded ahead of me. John's name snapped me out of my trance and whatever reason that had forced me went steel in my spot was gone. In a fractional of a second, I was sprinting towards the source of the noises, my head was swirling with thoughts for one sole purpose: I am going to save John.

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