Chapter 16

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John Watson's Point Of View

I could not forgive myself. Not in a million years.

As I blinked away the black in my eyes, I pushed myself off the bed. Swaying on my feet, I held onto the night stand as the door to the hospital room swung open. Sherlock, with even paler face, rushed in. "Where is she?" He demanded and his light eyes fell on me. In that very instant, the glints in his eyes grew dull. "No," He muttered, "No, no!"

I inhaled deeply and managed to take a step towards him. "We have to find her," I hissed, my jaw set and I could feel hatred and anger boil within me. Lestrade stumbled in after Sherlock, his mouth parted when he saw the state that I was in.

My arm was wrapped up in bandages but I genuinely couldn't care less. My sister had just sacrificed herself for me, and I was not going to sit around and wait for something to happen. Damn, Moriarty. Damn him!

Sherlock scowled and headed out of the door, pushing past Lestrade as he did so. I attempted to follow but the man poked his head back into the room again. "You're staying," He instructed. I almost had to laugh to show how impossible it would be for me to lay back onto the hospital bed. "You're injured."

"And do I look like I care?" I replied in exasperation. Sherlock leveled gaze with me and Lestrade put his hands up.

"Look, John. I know you're worried but you're better off staying in this room-"

"DAMN BEING BETTER OFF!" I exploded, my arm screaming in pain but I concealed the burning in my nerves. "I cannot stay. Do you understand?"

The men were silent, and I pushed past them as I stomped into the hospital corridor.

Sherlock's Point Of View

With John being frustrated and upset, there was no room for logical thinking in his brain. So this was basically up to me now. I began typing into my phone, alerting my homeless network to start looking for the car that Leila went onto. The cab driver that was driving Leila and John had, fortunately, memorized the plate number on Moriarty's car.

So what should be my next move? Now that Jim had gotten Leila, what would he do to her? I saw no motivation for Jim to kill Leila, unless he had some grunge over her for their parents. I saw no way in his plan that would involve harming Leila, which assured me for the least.

I followed John's raged steps and we waited for an elevator. Lestrade was growing restless next to us. I hushed him and they both sent me a wry glance. "Your thinking is too loud," I remarked in annoyance.

"What do we do now?" John asked, his face was grim and dark. A constant throbbing ache disturbed my thoughts in my head. I shook my head in frustration, ignoring the puzzled expressions from both men.

"I need to think," I said shortly and was glad that the elevator doors had slid open. The three of us cramped into the small space hurriedly, leaving the male nurse squashed in a corner.

"Mr. Watson?" The nurse sounded surprise. We all turned to look at him and he wore an innocent expression. "You're not supposed to be out."

"It's urgent," John answered. I could foresee him throwing a fist again if they tried to contain him. The vein in his right temple was pulsing furiously, either from his temper or the fact that his wound was still hurting.

"But the hospital has prepared pain relief for you just in case you feel the need to have it." He held out a clear tray with three pills and a plastic cup of water on it. "It is to suppress the bullet wound pain."

John looked very tempted to have them. I guessed his arm did hurt after all. "You should take them, John," Lestrade advised worriedly. I sighed, hoping that we could arrive at the lobby faster so I could get some fresh air. Oxygen was definitely required in my calculating process.

Maybe we should look for Leila's father. It would be safer to start from Leila and Moriarty's childhood. Knowing their past would help me to predict their decision-making process. This was at least a step towards saving Leila.

Besides me, John took the three pills and was about to put it in his mouth. He paused and realized he didn't have the hand for water. "Can you hold them for me for a second," He asked and placed those pills in Lestrade's hand. Picking up the plastic cup of water, John wet his lips and put it back on the tray. "Thank you," He murmured to the male nurse and received the pills from Lestrade again.

The elevator door rang and slid open again. I watched John's hand neared his lips.

A faint smile played on the nurse's face. His name tag on his uniform reflected from the lights above.



"NO!" I swore and knocked the pills out of John's hand. He was so close to putting them in his mouth that it sent chills down my spine. Disappointment and bewilderment overwhelmed me, but from the corner of my eyes, I could see the male 'nurse' reached for the back of his waist belt.

Bloody hell. I grabbed onto his hair and pulled. His eyes widened in shock and I smacked his head back with a loud thud. He struggled and wiggled but I shove his head into the wall once more. He grew limp and I released him.

"Fucking bastard," Lestrade whispered and I hurried past them into the lobby, where people and officers stared with dropped jaw.

"Come on," I urged them, cold sweats began to form on my neck, "This is not safe anymore."

Deep at the back of my head, I knew that nowhere was safe anymore. To Moriarty, this was no longer fun and game.

It was about who to win, and who to die.


Personally, I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Please tell me what you think should or would happen next and a vote from you all will mean the world to me!:)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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