Chapter Two

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•Jack's POV•

"Prank of the year." I state, telling Flynn and Merida my plan. "Hands in." I command.

We all put our hands into the huddle. "Break!"

Merida sneaks into the lunchroom and sits down beside Rapunzel. "How ye doin', Punzie?" She asks, distracting her. Flynn creeps up behind her and pulls out his scissors. He lifts up a piece of her hair to cut, but as she whips her hair, she causes Flynn to cut it ALL off.

I see Rapunzel spin around and stare straight at Flynn. "My... my hair... MY HAIR!" She stands up and abruptly stands up to chase Flynn around the lunchroom, her hair not blowing behind her like it used to.

Soon everyone in the lunchroom yells, "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

That is until Principal Black walks in. Everyone silently shuffles into their seat and stares and Rapunzel and Flynn. "Aaaah..." He says peacefully. "Rapunzel Corona and Eugene Fitzherbert." I chuckle a little but stop when Mr. Black shifts his eyes to me. "My office. Now." He grabs the two by the collars and glares at me on his way out.

•Punzie's POV•

Principal Black viciously stares at us through his yellow tinted eyes. "You will be attending detention everyday this week for two hours after school." He plops on to his swivel chair and taps his pale fingers on the desk, coldly glaring at us. "You are dismissed."

We walk out of the brooding office and into the more cheery hallway. Flynn grabs my forearm and turns me around. "I'm sorry." I grimace in disbelief. "I didn't mean to cut all that off." He winks, but not at me. Behind me. I spin around and Merida stops in her tracks. She's holding a little brown bottle. They snicker as I touch my hair. My wet hair. My wet, brown hair.

"You..." My eyes well up in tears as I stroke my short, chestnut hair. "You... you did this to me."

"No der, SHERLOCK!" Merida chuckles sarcastically.

"You're gonna pay..." I threaten, clenching my hands into fists.

"Ooooh!" Jack snickers. "I'm so scawed of wittle pwincess Wapunzel!" He taunts, using a baby voice.

"AAAAARRRRRAAAAAAH!" I scream, running after Jack and Merida. I jump onto Jack's back and tackle him to the ground.

"Ooow..." He squeals in pain.

I quickly get off him and help him up. "A-are you ok?" I worriedly question.

"Yup!" He laughs, sprinting down the hall with Merida.

"Yowza." Flynn says, slowly clapping. "You're tougher than I thought." He skips up to me and swings his arm around my shoulder. "What'd you say we go on a-"

"Flynn." I cut him off. "You're the reason I have short hair. A-and you're a rebel!" I shove him aside. "Now beat it before I tackle you, too." I order, giggling mischievously. "Because I will."

•Anna's POV•

Kristoff leaves me and I begin to follow, when I'm stopped by a fascinating sight. Hans. With another girl. Kissing. Oh, dear.

((Loves, you're here! 😜 Hope dis chapter wa'nt too short!

QOTD: Jackunzel -or- Eugenzel? 💕👫👸

AOTD: Eugenzel. Just cause. 💕👑💏

Sorry for not updating in forever. 🙈

Bai, Loves!💕))

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