Chapter One

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•Rapunzel's POV•

"Uuuhrg!" I grumble, smacking my math book with a pencil. "I'll never get it!"

I toss my pencil across the lunchroom and it hits Hiccup's forehead. "What's all the fuss about?" He asks.

"Well..." I look down at the table then quickly look back up. "Nothing, really... just that there's a spelling mistake in this math book!" I awkwardly smile, hoping he believes me.

Hiccup looks down at my book and chuckles. "Square is supposed to have a 'Q' in it." He walks away, shaking his head and laughing.

I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder and hear a smooth voice. "Hey, blondie."

I whip around, my long hair hitting his face. "I knew it was you!" I exclaim. "Your stupid voice! Get away from me, Flynn!"

"Ugh!" He shoots up from his seat. "I touched a dork!" He stands directly on the table and holds his wrist. "Someone call 911! I've caught dorkitis!" The whole lunchroom laughs as I slowly slide under the table.

•Anna's POV•

"Bleeeh!" I complain, seeing Astrid and that dope, Hans kissing. "How could anyone like such a self-centred... butt?!" Kristoff puts his big, warm hand in my shoulder and I stare up at him. "Don't you agree?"

He quietly nods his head. "I don't think he really likes Astrid. I bet he's just using her. Anyway," He kisses my cheek. "I've gotta get to class. See you at free-period." He walks away in silence and I feel another hand grab my shoulder.

"I've got a thing for redheads, you know?" I hear a voice say. Flynn.

I spin around and look at him sternly. He opens his mouth and grabs his wrist, but I slap him and pinch his lips closed. "Don't. Say it." I warn.

He nods and I let go of his lips. "Feisty pants..." He grumbles and I turn him around so we're face-to-face. I punch him straight in the nose, making him fall to the floor immediately, drowning in his own puddle of nosebleed.

"Uh oh." I shake as I hear Principal Black marching over to where I'm standing.

He glares at me with his terrible, piercing eyes. "I don't want any excuses. Come to my office." He grabs me by the back of my collar and pulls me to his dark, brooding office. "Detention everyday this week for two hours after school." With only saying that, he shoves me out and sits back down at his petty little desk.

"I'm dead." I whisper to myself.

((Heya, Loves! 💕 I posted early! 😘 I really hope this chapter was long enough! 🙈😟

QOTD: Jelsa -or- Helsa? ❄💍

AOTD: Sorry, but Helsa. I just... I love it, okay?! ❤❄👫

I am not sure I have anything else to say...

Cheerio, Loves! 💕))

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