Which Natalie joined him soon after, just in time for the waitress to come to the table.

" heya kiddos, hows it goin?" The waitress by the name of Margaret asked the two.

" we're doing amazing, Margaret," Kai answered with a genuine smile, a smile so big you could hear it in his voice without having to look at him.

" that's amazing, kiddos. So what's the order for today?" Margaret's soft voice spoke.

" I'd like my regular and I'm guessing Kai would too," she answered to Margaret's question.

" alright, I'll come back with your food in a minute, smiley" Margaret tucked her notepad in her apron and made her way to another table.


Kai was laying down on Natalie's red couch, after having played countless amounts of games.

Of course he always won, but Natalie continued to try until she began to feel even her fingers sweat.

" we should probably start working on our project, Natty bear," Kai's smirk was openly displayed on his face, as his eyes glanced from her to their poorly put together project.

" Natty bear? Out of all names you choose Natty bear?" Natalie couldn't help but giggle at Kai's weak attempt at her nickname.

Kai's adorable smirk faltered as he faked a face of anger.

" wow, I'm offended," he crossed his arms in an angry manner and looked at the girl.

" oh, I'm so sorry, forgive me?" She pouted and then as usual, they bursted out into horrendous laughter.

" Kai, that shirt is so not fitting you," Natalie spoke, when Kai understood her words he looked down at his clothing.

A pair of dirty black converse, a plain red shirt with his usual dark navy blue jacket.

" okay, then why don't you give me some fashion advice, m'lady," Kai spoke in the horrible impression of what Natalie thought might be a cowboy.

" alrighty then, darlin'" she smirked back and pretended to tip an imaginary hat.

She stood up and grabbed his arm, while they went to her brother's room.

" I'm sure Liam wouldn't mind if we dug around in his old clothes, since he's been off to college." She walked into a narrow hallway that led to a small white door.

" I thought you were just kidding, nat," his playful smile fell while a look of annoyance set in.

" I didn't actually wanna go through the hard work of actually putting clothes on." He sighed.

" trust me, Kai. The girls will be drooling once they see you." She smirked and pushed open the door.

The room had a distinct smell, it wasn't bad but it smelled new.

The smell of fresh carpet engulfed his nose, meanwhile Natalie opened a huge closet door.

She shifted through millions of shirts and pants, while Kai kept on complaining.

" I can't find any- oh here it is." She held up a black plain t-shirt.

She found a pair of black skinny jeans and handed the outfit to Kai.

" I don't wanna pu-" Kai was cut off by Natalie's finger being pressed against his lips.

" no, shush. Just put it on." Natalie whispered in annoyance.

Kai muttered and rolled his eyes.

" fine," he said in defeat and took his shirt off.

Natalie couldn't help but stare at his body, she admired the soft birthmark right on his neck and trailed her eyes down all the way to the birthmark right under his collarbone.

Natalie didn't know how toned Kai's body was because he always hid it under his sweatshirts.

Kai caught her looking and chuckled, still being shirtless.

" like what you see, Natty?" He taunts her and smirks looking at her with his blue eyes.

Natalie immediately looked away in embarrassment and felt heat set into her cheeks.

" I- no, I didn't expect you to just start undressing in front of me kai," she manages to get out.

The girl decided it was best to just wait in the living room for him to undress, and walked out quickly after her statement.

MON AMOUR •KAI PARKER• Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora