Klaus: how is the famous Stefan Salvatore doing these days?

Stefan: I know why you are here but I want to make a deal with you.

Klaus: I'm listening

Stefan: I will turn off my humanity switch and you can ripper me. I need two months before I go because I need to do something before I turn it off.

Elijah: Well, if we let you turn it off you have to stay near Klaus at all times unless you're in a restaurant. I will be here taking care of the town if I can take it over. If I don't then I don't do anything.

Stefan: I'm making the deal so you can't take off the blood from the one person I love

Elijah: you have two months

Klaus: deal

Stefan: deal

Klaus and Elijah left town 

Upstairs in Stefan's room

Elena: oh my gosh I can't believe he just made the deal

Lexi: we are gonna save him after he turns it off the less likely he will completely lose it.

Stefan walked upstairs into his room

Elena runs to Stefan and hugs him.

Stefan: well we have two months

Elena: I know.

Stefan: So what should we do now?

Lexi: Damon is on his way. he is not ok with this and in the sock, you have loads of explaining to do. 

Stefan: I know 

Bonnie: walk up to Elena

Bonnie: Elena, have you seen Matt?

Elena: yes he is in the woods behind the boardinghouse

Bonnie: He has lost it. He has a new plan now. everyone in town is hearing things from him about Stefan leaving town for good. What is going on?

Elena: These two brothers that are from Stefan's past came and Stefan made a deal with them to become the ripper. Well, Matt heard other people in town talking because they heard something that was not true from one of the brothers, and well. After Stefan leaves town with the brothers I'm gonna need all the help I can get to bring him back also Stefan is here for two more months then he leaves with his brothers

Bonnie: oh ok but why did he make the deal what did they originally want

Elena: My blood since my vampire blood breaks some kind of weird and creepy curse that prevents the rest of their family from going to New Orleans.

there was a knock on the door 

Damon: Stefan get your butt down here 

Stefan: I got this 

Lexi: let's hope so 

Stefan: Elena and Bonnie make your way to Elena's house It is safer there 

Lexi: I will stay here 

Stefan walks down the stairs Elena Bonnie follows behind Stefan 

Elena: Bonnie run to the door 

they both ran to the door 

Stefan: look I know I got loads of explaining to do before you get mad at me I had Lexi call you because in two months I'm gonna need your help to save me from the ripper.

Stefan And Elana get Their Happy EndingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz