The Countdown

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A/n I do not own modern family or any of its characters

Claire's POV February 8 19:00

"Kids hurry grandpa and Gloria are waiting" I scream from downstairs at my children.
Why are we always late? Between Luke constantly on the phone, Haley having to get dressed with twins on the way not being easy, and Phil and Alex being well Phil and Alex we were almost always late.
I can hear Luke talking on the phone as usual. He says he and Leah have some news to share with us. I don't even know that kid anymore. I worry that he is maybe investing to much into this relationship. Don't get me wrong Leah seems like a really nice person I just don't want her hurting my baby.
I walk Upstairs to see Alex and Bill are getting ready, and Luke is just lying on his bed. I can see something is wrong.

"Hey buddy," I say sitting next to him, placing my hand on his arm.
"Hi mom,"he says staring at the roof.
"Whats wrong bud," I say hoping she didn't break his heart.
"Leah's moving to LA," he says sadly.
"That's great news. Are you not happy about it?" I say quite shocked. He has talked about her moving and always seemed so happy.

"It's not that I'm unhappy about it. It's just Leah is so smart she got into med schools all over the world, but she chose LA, and I can't help but think that I am the reason why. I don't want to be modest but I don't want her to not chase her dreams just for me, a kid from LA who could never be that smart."
"Luke! Don't ever say that you are a great kid with so much going for you. Leah even sees that in you. You are sweet, kind and have so many girls chasing after you." I say trying to reassure him.
"But I love Leah." He replies and by the look on his face I can see he is being sincere.
"And she loves you." I say supporting him. "Luke she is a smart girl she made the right decision for her," I add knowing her well enough to know she would make an educated decision.
"I know I just can't help but feel guilty." He says still looking at the roof, he tense and I can see it by the way he clenches his muscles.
"Luke. You shouldn't." I say kissing his head.

He is my little boy. I feel terrible that he feels terrible. He shouldn't, I know Leah she is smart she wouldn't just move for a boy. Luke is my baby he will always be. He has found himself a great girl and he shouldn't push her away because he feels she is only there for him.

Jay's POV 8 February 20:00

"They are late again." I say
"Ai, Jay they will be here any minute." Gloria shouts from upstairs
Just then Manny walks down and take a seat next to me.
"Hey manny," I say trying to make conversation.
"Hey jay," he replies skeptically.
"So uh, hows college," I add hoping his response isn't too long.
"Oh it's great, I just wrote..."
"That's great," I say interrupting him not really wanting to hear about his artistic adventures.
Just then Jo walks down the stairs
"Dad when are they coming?" H asks a look of anticipation on his face.
"I don't know. Joe." I say but as I do Mitch and Cam come in the door.
" Hello," They both say at the same time.

Haley POV 21:00

After everyone had arrived it was finally time to eat. I am constantly hungry these kids. They are going to be so damn cute though. I look over at Bill and Alex. Alex is lying on Bills shoulder and I can't help but smile. I don't think I have seen Alex that happy before.

"Hey Alex, get any closer and you will end up like me." I say with a laugh.
"Ha ha." she says blushing.
Dylan is sitting next to me his hand on my small bump.
"Ow." He says as one of them kick his hand away.
"Feisty like thier mom." He says smiling at me.
"Hey!" I retaliate punching his arm.

Luke was calling Leah ready to tell the rest thier news. Everyone was sitting around him. Leah picks up nearly straight away.

"Oh hey." Luke says surprised she picked up so quickly.
"Wait Luke, do you really want to do this now.I just woke up." She says worriedly.
"You look beautiful as always. Come on do it for me," He says pulling puppy dog eyes at her and she rolls her eyes playfully at him.
"Okay turn me around." she says with a laugh.

Obviously she still looks great. I can't help but be jealous I used to be the pretty one but now I have this huge baby bump. Everyone tells me I am still the best looking girl in the room, but I have just had some serious body image issues lately with the amount of weight I am gaining.

Leahs POV 9 February 8:00

I look at Luke he seems happy. I like his family they were nice to me and treated me like one of their own even though they honestly barely know me. I look sloppy and it makes me think maybe they will just think I am a slob which I'm not.

"Hey guys." I say nervously biting my lip
"Hey!" They greet seeming happy
"Don't be nervous," I hear Haley shout, making me blush slightly with nerves.
"So we have something to tell you." Luke says an adorable smile spread across his face.
"Oh gosh just spit it out." Gloria screams
"Okay well. l got into the med school in LA," I say excitedly.

Everyone was really happy. Cam gave me an air hug. Lily was happy and Mitch was excited. Haley and Alex already knew but they were still excited, and Phil was over the moon.

I was really happy and just like that it hit me this was really happening not only were my dreams coming true, but I was going to finally see the man of my dreams in person. I got an apartment with the money I had been saving, and I could luckily buy it because I got a scholarship covering most of my fees.

Luke's POV 10 February 10:00

I was just sitting on the sofa alone watching some musical. I still couldn't believe it. She was arriving in 3 days and then it hit me it's nearly Valentine's Day. I knew I had to make it the best she's had. I called the best restaurant in town Using Haley's connections from Nerp and I was able to get us a table.

Just then my phone vibrates. It's Leah.

"Hey babe" she says greeting me, but this time her eyes are glossy and her usually pale cheeks red. She appears to have been crying.
"What's up? Are you okay?" I ask worried of what might of happened.
"No not really," she replies honestly. "I was just saying goodbye to a few family members and I could use a smile." She says as she wipes away a stray tear. I feel bad I can't be there to comfort her. The least I could do is make her laugh.
"Well you called the right guy," I reply jokingly.
She rolls her eyes and smiles slightly.
"I love you." she says with her brown eyes glistening as she does so.
"I love you too, baby," I reply smiling at her.


Chapter 2. I love you all and hope you enjoyed. Leave a comment. I read them all even if you are here 5 years after the chapter was written 😂

- L


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