The Big News

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A/n this is my first fan fiction so please bare with me

I do not own modern family or any of its characters


Luke's POV 6 February 2019 12:00

My phone rings on my bedside table. It is Leah she's trying to FaceTime me I pick it up excited to see her. I met her on instagram, she had an account filled with mostly quotes, most of which I could relate too and I had to know the person behind it. Little did I know that she was beautiful ,smart and so kind.

We started dating a few months ago. I call her everyday, and still don't know how I managed to get her to like me. Shes has met my whole family through FaceTime of course. Her personality reminds me a lot of Alex if I am honest. They actually talk all the time, her and my sisters that is. The time difference makes it hard her being in South Africa and all but we make it work.

"Hey" I say answering the call, only to witness her beautiful smile.
"Hey babe," she answers playing with her hair as she does so.
"What time is it there?" I ask as it appears to be nighttime.
"It's around 10pm." She says sounding kind of nervous. "Listen I have some news," she adds as her smile turns into a nervous grin.

I couldn't help but be worried she seemed serious and I thought something may be wrong.

"What is is Babe?" I ask nervously.
"No, it's good news." she says with a giggle.

I couldn't help but be relieved. I nod encouraging her to carry on.

"I got into the medical school in LA," she says happily.
"Oh my God I am so excited for you. That's great news," I reply happily as I see her usual smile reappear.

I can't help but feel guilty it's great that she is coming over but Leah is a really smart girl I know she got into excepted into schools all over the globe. I worry she is only choosing this specific one to be close to me. She mentioned being close before.

"I know it's  finally happening" she says happily.
"It's great but I can't help but think you are only choosing LA for me." I say, immediately regretting my word choices.
"Modest much," she says laughing. "I'm not going to lie to you. Of course being close to my boyfriend played a part, but I really wanted to live in LA it has been my dream since i was a kid."

I can't help but smile. She is so sweet how could I land a girl like that. I think my family likes her maybe even more than me.

"I love you, Leah," I blurt out.
Oh no,we haven't said that yet. Smooth Luke.
"uh," is all I managed to say as I see her stiffen slightly.
"I love you too Luke," she eventually replies with a shocked look still on her face.
"Wow we have never said that before," she adds blushing.

I feel the heat rise to my cheeks. I must look like a complete idiot right now.
The line is silent for a while but just then I hear Alex and Haley screech, out of nowhere. I know Leah hears them too as she immediately face palms.

"They are spying on us again. Aren't they?" she asks laughing slightly. I let out a sigh. "I guess so."
"Hey Alex, Hey Haley." She says at the realization that they will hear her.

Alex and Haley walk in and look at the screen both smiling. Haley has her hand on her small baby bump.

"Hey." They both say at the same time looking slightly guilty.
"I'm glad we think alike, but let's never do that again." Haley says referring to the, speaking at the same time.
"I agree," Alex adds and we all Laugh.
I am so happy that she gets along with my whole family especially my sisters.
We all spoke for at least another hour but Leah eventually had to go to bed.

If I am being honest I really can't wait till she arrives and I can finally hold her in my arms instead of only seeing her on a screen. She one of the best things that have ever happened me, and she has changed me for the better. When I speak to her I am so cheesy but I can't help it. I hate to admit it but I feel like when I speak to her i am a better me.
Wow, I really do love her.

Leahs POV 6 February 2019 23:00

I do really love Luke he is so sweet, but he is the first guy I have liked let alone loved he is my first boyfriend. Let's just say in high school I choose to not have many friends I had my best friend and that's about it, besides my family who are always super supportive. I was just always studying. I graduated 3 years early and took advanced online college courses in order to work towards med school.

My best friend was super popular. Nobody understood why she would hang out with me. She was the first person I told about Luke. She is super supportive as well and I think besides my family she is going to miss me the most. At 18 getting accepted into all these schools was a huge honor. I have always wanted to live in LA and that is why I chose This specific one I mean Luke living there just helped the choice.

Haley's POV 7 February 2019 8:00

"Luke, Alex, Bill!" I shout from the kitchen placing their breakfast on various plates.

Lately I have had to learn to cook with the babies on the way I mean I started of real easy with just simple things but I am getting better. Poor Dylan is my test dummy he always smiles and tells me it's good even if it tastes like crap. My parents are rarely there around 8 to 9 with work.

"I made pancakes!" I scream knowing that if I have learnt to make one it's pancakes.
"There they come, even at 20 Luke can still not resist pancakes." I tell Dylan with a laugh.

All three come down the stairs Luke's phone in his hand. He is probably talking to Leah again I fell like whenever they are both awake they are talking. Honestly i can't complain at his age I was constantly texting.

"Hello!" I greet as they both make their way to the breakfast table.
"Hey." They both say.
"Are you speaking to Leah?" I ask with a smirk.
"Hey Haley" I hear Leah say through the speaker on the phone.
"How's my niece and nephew!" Luke asks his mouth full of pancakes. I hear Leah giggle.
"Oh they are great," I say with a giggle my hand on my baby bump. I am currently 4 months pregnant and it has been really hard on my small body. I look up and see Dylan smiling out the corner of my eye. Ever since we found out about the babies Dylan has really stepped up he is still working as a nurse and has a stable income.

"How long till you get here," I ask Leah
"Oh ah, the 13th" she says caught off guard. It is like 16:00 there, she's eating what looks like lunch.
"I can't wait to see you," I hear Luke whisper. I smirk at him. He blushes making me laugh.


Wow my first chapter ever. I hope you enjoyed it if you didn't that's okay. I love you all and thank you for the constant support and comments, please keep it coming.



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