The Arrival

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A/n I do not own modern family or any of its characters.

July 22 21:00 Haley's POV 

I had been in real pain since this morning. They were moving a lot and I though it was brackston hicks so I just kept on going stupidly because it was my due date after all. I felt real bad at Leahs party and I told Dylan I had to lie down. Leah obviously saw me and followed me up.

"Oh my god Haley are you okay." She asks as I lie down.

"To tell you the truth no." I say. She looks at me concerned.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital, you know to get it checked out."

"No I'll be fine. It's probably just backston hicks." I say and just then it comes again and I wince in pain.

"Haley this isn't normal. I recently learned a lot about labor and delivery in class and you have all the symptoms." 

"Your right maybe I should go."

"Yeah I can run and go get your overnight bag from your place Okay. Let me run and call Dylan."


"Dylan!" I shout from the room.

He quickly runs up the stairs and I by my side in a few seconds.

"Haley are you okay. I knew we should have stayed at home." He says a terrible look of concern on his face.

"Is this really an I told you so moment Dylan." I say. The pain is becoming unbearable. Just then my water breaks.

"Oh my god my water just broke." I shout at the top of my lungs. This causes a huge uproar. I hear the music being turned off and soon enough the whole family is in the room.

"We have to get her to the hospital." My mom shouts at no one specifically.

"It's too late she is too far dilated. It would be to dangerous to move her." Leah says after examining me.

"Does that mean she has to give birth here!" Dylan says in a panic.

"I'm afraid so." Leah says. At this point I begin to cry. Are my babies okay.

"Leah you just learnt how to do this please can you help me." I plead.

"You are these babies last hope."

"Oh my god Okay, but someone call 911 and everyone out but Dylan!" She shouts.

Everyone quickly leaves the room. Leah looks at me and I look at her reassuringly.

"It will be okay. All three of you will be fine I promise." She says the look on her face makes me feel a lot better. I just nod because anything else is too painful.

July 22 22:00 Leahs POV

Oh my god. Oh my god. I can do this just remember what you were told and everything will be okay. I can't help but be scared. I examine Haley one more time and see the first babies head is there.

"Dylan I need you to fetch me a clip, a pair of scissors and some vodka."

"Ah Okay." He says and quickly runs out the room.

"Okay Haley I see baby number one it's time too push." She nods at me.

"On three. One. Two. Three."

Dylan runs back in and I tell him to pour the vodka all over the scissors and the clip. After about ten minutes baby number is out. I tie the ambilical cord and hand him to Haley. She begins to cry.

"It's a boy." Dylan says Crying himself

"Okay Haley I am going to need you to pass him over to dylan baby number two is on the way." I say. 

She reluctantly gives him to Dylan. I Count to three and after 10 more pushes baby number two arrives. I repeat the process and hand her over to Haley.

"Its a girl." she says a look of pride on her face.

"Where the hell is 911 I shout. I'll give you four some time alone.

July 22 23:00 Haley's POV 

Oh my god. I'm a mom they are here and i have never loved anything more. Now we just have to give them a name. I look at Dylan holding our son he is perfect with silky brown hair and my green eyes. I hold our daughter who also has silky brown hair but she has brown eyes. I am so happy.

"You did it they are here and beautiful." He says kissing me on the head.

"Yes and she is not allowed a boyfriend until she is thirty." I say looking down at our daughter. Just then medics walk in the room and prepare to take us to the hospital. As they wheel me out I carry my daughter and Dylan our son. I walk past my parents and see they are smiling and are so happy they are crying which of course makes me cry. 

Just as we pass Leah she is in Luke arms a tear coming from both of thier eyes I say, "thank you." She smiles and says, "Those babies come first."

As we arrive at the hospital the babies are weighed and I am checked. The doctors were shocked when I Told them my sister in law who is only a first year med student delivered the babies.

My family all came to meet the babies and where all so exicied especially my sister who cried and hugged me so hard.

"What are thier names." My mom and Gloria ask at the same time.

"Alexandra Leah Marshall , Alexa for short, and Jason Luke Marshall."

"Oh my god you named her after me."  Alex says As she burst into tears again. Making me and Leah cry.

"Yeah we wanted her to be smart and pretty." I say all causing all of the woman to burst  into tears.

"Oh my god I can never break up with your brother now." Leah says still crying what I hope are happy tears. Everyone laughs.

"Wait you were planning on it." Luke says fearfully.

"No no no I love you I was just joking." She says now crying even harder while holding  Alexa.

My mom takes Jason from Dylan.

"You are going to be very popular." She says and he smiles at her.

"That's for sur he takes after his grandpa." My dad says as tickles his tiny stomach.

"You are so strong." my mom says before kissing my head and handing me Dylan. 

We better give her some time to rest." Leah whispers to Luke before walking out with him.

Soon everyone leaves and it is just me Dylan and the twins left. Our little family. God I never thought I would say that, but it's true.


A/n Hi chapter 13 ❤️this is not the end of the story. I hope you are enjoying it. Please feel free to leave comments about the story.💫😁 I love you all 



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