Woozi x Nayeon - "Until we meet again"

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I can hear loud noises.

People are chanting and shouting for their names.

I am standing here and doing nothing while the people around me are going really crazy.

Who wouldn't? If the boy group Seventeen is performing in front of you.

Basically, all the people here are their fans. All of them were here to see the 13 guys and so do I.

I came here to see him.

"Jihoon." I whispered his name when he started to sing his part.

I smiled.

He kept on singing his part but he never throw a glance at me.

Why would he right? There's a lot of girls shouting for his name and I... I would be nothing compared to them.

Why do I even came here when I already know my place?

Yeah right. I should know where do I belong.

I wiped the tears falling in my face and started to walk away.

"Lee Jihoon, until we meet again."


"Shit." I cursed when I saw the time in my wall clock.

It reads 7:11 AM and my schedule will start at 6:30 in the morning.

In short, IM LATE!!!

I immediately went downstairs and started to open every cabinet to find what I can eat. I found a cereal and I quickly finished eating it. I went upstairs again to take a quick bath then I hurriedly went in my car when Im all fix.

I started to drive and make down my way to the office.

This day is so unlucky. How can I convince our company's client to trust me when Im so irresponsible? And I'm sooo late!

I'm ruining the company's image with this!

"Aish!" I mentally slap my face.

I'm so nervous knowing I'll be doomed when I came to the office but something got my attention.

I got distracted when I saw the big billboard proudly posted in an enormous building outside.

Its the boygroup Seventeen at their photoshoot on SAEM.

Something close to my chest aches when I saw him.

I'm hoping that he's really happy now. I never heard anything from that group again since he and I- uhm...nevermind.

I don't ever want to remember that again especially now that I moved on.

When I went down the car, I headed straightly at the main office. I thought I was going to be humiliated when I come in but it surprised me when no one notice my presence.

Everybody's busy inside. What's going on?

"Nayeonnie!!! Proceed at the conference room now. Mr. Liu was already waiting for you there and you're late!" Ching hysterically yelled in front of me.

"Okay. Okay. Im coming! Thanks Ching." I started to walk out of the room. I don't know why I became so nervous when I'm getting nearer to the conference room.

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