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Harry's  gay,  or so he tells Zayn between mouthfuls of chips and slushies on the way out of a Kebab shop. Zayn doesn't need an incentive when Harry asked if he wants to go to the store across the pub with him. He basically walked out of the there looking like a lost puppy, following behind Harry.

Ever since their encounter in the loo, Harry's been uncharacteristically loud and verbose, never running out of stories or stupidity.  Zayn was relief that the Harry he talked to over the phone has finally emerged and made himself known real.

"-I was only nine when I saw what love looks like from my cousin's eyes. And since then I fell in love with the idea of wanting to be with my match." He smiles as he and Zayn sits down on the sidewalk outside of the Kebab shop, both of their slushies in hand.

Zayn stares at the ground "And you found your match, didn't you?" He mumbles.

Harry doesn't say anything for a while before he shakes his head and shrugs "I saw him. And it felt so exhilarating and invigorating and I felt so fucking soft that I could've swear anything could touch me and leave a mark." He says in a voice that was so painfully love sick that it made Zayn look away.

"What happened then?" Zayn asks looking at the streetlamp that's a few feet away.

"He saw me." He chuckles humorlessly "Then he kissed someone else."

Zayn turns to Harry so fast his neck gave an audible crack. "He'd what?" He ask, incredulous.

Harry shrugs "I thought that I had been mistaken, that my tattoo didn't actually glow and it was only the trick of light, but when I looked at my wrist again it was glowing red."

"Then what happened?" Zayn asks "Surely you went up to him, right?"

Harry shakes his head "I was piss." He snorts "Can't even walk straight."


"I was too drunk to the point I can't even walk straight." He clicks his tongue on the roof of his mouth.

"I'm sorry." Zayn offers a sympathetic smile.

He shrugs "I was so confused and lost. It was devastating. It broke my heart knowing that I've spent so much time thinking of how the two of us would meet, and to have to meet him that way was simply heartbreaking."

Zayn snorts "If I see him, I'll punch this bitch in the face."

Harry smiles tiredly "No, it's my fault, if I hadn't gotten that drunk then I could've gone to him and introduced myself-"

"It's not your fault, Harry." Zayn interjects fiercely "You were drunk! He's the one with no excuse, he should've sense his tattoo glow too."

"He did." Harry replies "I actually saw him because I felt his stare on me, but then he still kissed that girl."

Zayn's jaw clenches in irritation for Harry's soulmate. For treating him like this. "Do you think you'll ever see him again?"

"I dunno." He shrugs "Our tattoos are the only thing that helps us determine who's our soulmate, and since mine has been already shaded red, I don't think it could turn any redder than this." He says, showing his exposed wrist to Zayn.

Zayn was quiet for a while, before he thought of Ant and his proclaimed symptoms when his soulmate was around "My friend told me that the first few times he was around his soulmate he could literally feel his tattoo. He said his wrist keeps...tingling." For some reason it made Zayn rub his covered wrist.

Harry huffs out a quiet laugh, shaking his head "I don't think that would work, because mine has been tingling all day. It's like-"

"Touching a winter cold water with your finger, and making your whole arm to your fucking scalp shiver?"

"I thought you said you don't know what it feels like?" He furrows his eyebrows.

Zayn finds himself shrugging.

Harry's eyes narrows as he scrutinizes him "You know, when I first met you, you reminded me of someone."


"I don't know." He narrows his eyes again as if he's trying to dissect Zayn "Your ambiance is just so familiar."

Zayn shrugs "A lot of people have mentioned that I have a common face."

Harry lets out a disbelief laugh "If a lot of people looks like you, then everyone is beautiful."

Zayn turns away, not wanting Harry to see his flushed face and blazing eyes. "How did you meet your soulmate? if you don't mind me asking"

He shakes his head. "Like I've told you, we were in a party. I was drunk, it was dark and full of smoke, and I can't remember him clearly." He says his green eyes staring intently at Zayn as if he wants to unravel him. "But I knew that when I spotted him that night, I felt like I was being hypnotized to just stare at him and admire him." And suddenly Zayn is leaning in; their faces were so close to each other that if  Zayn tips his head for a little bit their noses would touch. "It's like everything around me vanishes and the only thing that I can see was him and only him. I feel myself being gravitated towards him, like my heart is screaming at me to run to him and love him like it's my last dying breath. And to honor him and praise him and never let him go." He mumbles, the distance between their faces were narrowing so fast that it both scares and excites Zayn at the same time. Then all too sudden, Harry leans away, creating a huge gap between them "And then he kissed someone else."

Zayn felt breathless "What did you do then?"

"I let him go." He answers candidly before looking away.

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