Chapter 1

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3rd POV

In a class at Aldera Junior High, we see a few students talking about where they were going for high school before their teacher comes in.

Teacher: "Hello students today well be discussing your future professions," he then proceeds to throw the papers in his hand into the air while laughing "But we all know you want to be heroes right."

All the students cheered except for three, Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, and (Y/N) (L/N). The later of the three were asleep.

Bakugou : "Oi, teacher don't lump me with the rest of these losers." This, of course, got on the rest of the student's nerves but before they could even protest Bakugou got on his desk and shouted, "Unlike the rest of you extras I'm going to U.A." That shut everyone up real quick.

Teacher: "Hey didn't you apply to that school Midoriya and you to-" however before he could finish the entire class started laughing at Izuku.

Extra: "The quirkless kid wants to go there that place is only for the top pro heroes you can't even get in without a quirk."

Izuku: "N-No they changed that rule, you no longer ne-" Izuku tried to say before getting interrupted by Bakugou exploding his desk.


I suddenly woke up to a loud explosion and some yelling from bakugo. he seems pretty upset about something, best go back to sleep then.

Small Timeskip

i woke up, again, to another explosion, again, well i guess i can find out what's gotten bomberman all worked up about. so i slowly get up from my desk with my signature lazy smile and make my way to bakugo who is currently harassing midoriya.

(Y/N): "heya bakugo, what's gotten you in such a bad mood

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(Y/N): "heya bakugo, what's gotten you in such a bad mood."

Bakugou: Mind your own damn business extra unless you want to get hurt along with Deku here," he says while making small explosions in his hand.

(Y/N): "whoops, seems i forgot about your explosive personality," i say causing him to get a slight tick on his head. "i guess i really blew this conversation."

Bakugou : "THE FUCK YOU SAY TO ME LITTLE SHIT?" he says looking pissed off. "Because if you are you just made a huge mistake."

"he then charges at me with his quirk but i simply dodge out of the way of his attacks

"he then charges at me with his quirk but i simply dodge out of the way of his attacks

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(Like this but Chara is Bakugo using his explosions as his weapon)

(Y/N): "wow you really have a short fuse, don't you?" i say still with the same smile on my face from before.

at this point, i could have kept dodging for at least a good few hours before even breaking a sweat, he was relatively weak compared to other kids i know but seeing as i'll miss my pre-sleep nap i might as well leave now, so i use my telekinesis to keep him still while i help midoriya up.

Izuku POV

Wow, this random guy just saved me, defeated Kacchan without breaking a sweat, and he did it all with a carefree lazy smile like he wasn't even trying. With that kind of skills, he could easily become a pro-hero maybe even be as good as All Might .

???: "hey you ok there buddy?" He says while offering me a hand which i gladly accept.

Izuku: "Yeah thanks." I say with a smile but then I remember my book that Kacchan threw outside and start freaking out.

???: "is something the matter pal?" He asks while still smiling yet at the same time his eyes show worry.

Izuku: "Yeah its just that my book got thrown out the window and I have no idea where it is," I explained to him. Which he just responded to by grabbing my arm and dragging me through the door to the classroom however when we leave the classroom the next thing I notice is that were outside of the school in front of a pond.

???: "here you go, pal," He said handing me my notebook from the small pond, "anyways i need to get going soon or else i'll miss my nap see ya later midoriya."

I was still confused as to how we got outside so fast that by the time I realized that the guy left the sun was starting to set. I guess I'll have to thank him the next time I see him because just by looking around I don't see him anywhere.

Izuku: "Huh he's gone I guess maybe he has two quicks that is the only way we could have gotten here so fast. Wait a minute. I forgot to ask his name! Oh man, how am I going to thank him know?" I say starting to mumble to myself. "Man not only did Kacchan destroy my hero book but I forgot to thank the guy that helped me. Today cannot get any worse," I say while walking home.


those shortcuts really are useful,' i say to myself while walking to my bed never once letting my smile fade. i have ten more months of being lazy before i have pto start hero training at u.a. why did i even want to become a hero again . . . oh yeah, that was your dream wasn't it paps, well since you can't protect everybody i guess i'll just have to do it for you but first i think i need to get some sleep or else ill be bone-tired and tibia honest that won't let me come up with any more good rib-ticklers. either way, its time for my pre-sleep nap so i best get busy doing that. . . Because I'll accomplish your dream paps heh.

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